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Posts posted by Tenenbaum

  1. i first heard about this board back in 2000 (or 2001, not sure); my buddy told me how there was this heady message board where Kung/Zero was causing shit when he dissed a BNB show in Halifax he didn't attend and the whole board was ganging up on him for it (hmm, sound familiar?!?); it was a total hoot and I've been hanging around ever since...

    my first post (i think) was to notify heads that Queen Video (in Toronto) had copies of Mike Gordon's movie "Inside Out" (or is it Outside In) for rent.

  2. bouche; in regard to what you're saying, can we view our MII's by going online with the wii? how does that work; is it wireless? (sorry, I've been out of the video game loop since Playstation came out, so this whole WII experience is mind blowing).

  3. as awesome as this is, too bad you can't download the live video of Possum; i'll never forget during the crazy end part of Bowie, I was focusing on Trey as he confirmed with each band member right before they SLAM into POssum; one of the sickest segues I've seen! You can hear the audience just lose it (clearly on an AUD copy) once they realise what's transpired before their eyes!

    hmm, who knows, maybe the Bowie video shows the segue at least...

  4. just paid my respects and watched a Prairie Home Companion...

    very impressed and entertaining! It's incredible what a knack Altman had directing an ensemble cast and capturing effortlessly natural moments from within. He was truly one of a kind!

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