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Posts posted by Birdy

  1. Birdy: I met one of the daughters of the sex cult you're talking about. I gave her and her boyfriend a ride once, when they were hitch-hiking. The weirdest part is that she talked about growing up a kid in a sex-cult as though it was no big deal, and "anyway, they don't do it anymore". She also still lives with her parents. (I think she was 19 years old.) I was astounded that she brought this up to a complete stranger during a 10-minute drive.

    so random. i guess that's the scariest part of all... when they view this obviously abusive behaviour as "normal".


  2. no doubt. so sad when parents fuck with their kids heads.. i was watching dr phil the other day when he did this expose on the "children of god" cult in the states.. some hippie cult turned all wrong when the parents started to insist that their children become sexually active as soon as they're old enough to walk.. now as fully grown adults they're so fucked up that a few of them have committed suicide. those sick twisted fucks of parents should be shot in the head, nazi style.

  3. ahah i'm sure he'll be devastated. he might even cry.

    tell him i love him and it will be okay and once he has a place where he doesn't have to crawl through a hole to get to his room, i'll come visit.

  4. i have a dirty IT joke.. not really appropriate for a young girl such as myself to let out, but i have to cuz it's a dirty IT joke, and hey, they just don't come around that often.

    one IT guy says to another while pointing at a hot blonde, "i want to megaRam her until her gigahertz".


  5. the ramsden family.. used to play every friday and saturday night at the caddy downtown blenheim. they've opted for a top 40 dj to take their place. boooo!

    my only wish is that there was someone else from blenheim on this board to laugh at how ridiculous this is. :D

  6. i couldn't imagine not seeing the sun. luckily i have a huge window which my desk faces out towards.. if not, i'd cash in. i'm prime candidate for SAD as soon as the leaves changing colour. every fall i have to plan tons of fun activities to bide my time through the winter. luckily my job entitles me to travel to sunny florida and arizona in jan/feb/mar which definitely helps.

  7. The thing I've always thought is that, if you wanted an extra hour of daylight (for example, in the winter), wouldn't you want it in the evening, when most people go out and do things? The only out-and-aboutness that occurs in the mornings is going to work, which doesn't need daylight as much as, say, after-school (or after-work) things like baseball games, cycling, or other extra-curricular activities. It seems doubly punishing to bring on the darkness an hour earlier in the fall, when it's getting dark earlier anyway.



    this is going to be the death of me. i'm such a sucker for seasonal affective disorder. ugh darkness. bring on the sun!

  8. what's that movie??????? day after tomorrow with dennis quaid.. i can't help but think that's like some prophetic masterpiece as to the destruction of the world. mudslides, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis.. it's all getting a little bit disheartening.

    you couldn't pay me enough money to live in california... that's almost suicide.

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