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Posts posted by Esau

  1. Well, I could easily cut & paste text info from a bands website and add it to wiki like others but I don't see the point myself, since I prefer to go directly to a bands site for info on them. But thats just me.

    Did you know Frank Zappa played drums not guitar? Someone did, until it was edited on wiki...LOL.. if I can find the thread again on the other website I frequent I'll PM you the link, it was a thread about misinformation of wiki. Quite funny really.

  2. I thought I had heard that you didn't need an invite to join gmail anymore. I personally love Gmail. It's my personal database that I can access anywhere. I store recipes, ideas, lyrics, etc in there.

    There is enough functionality within GooglePages to do a catalog. You can create an index page/homepage, and then create linked pages after that. It's very wiki-like.

    Uploading and laying out images is pretty good since you just drag them around. You don't need to set any image aligning properties. I like that.

    Well, seems enough people accept the invites or request em still, I personally couldn't open another account without sending myself an invite. (3 weeks back). I have no problem with gmail either, although to me its just another email, I keep any info like the stuff you mentioned above on my HDD or CDR. I'd rather lose my texts, addresses or whatever else from a HDD crash knowing the info is still safe with me instead of having my gmail account hacked and knowing that stuff was in somebody elses hands. And this has happened to some gmail users already, unfortunatley.

    As for my list, I did some checking and I will not be able to simply transfer my entire list over, I will need to enter each show & all its text info manually (at best cut & paste). That would be a month long job on its own and certianly not worth my time.

    I see alot awesome uses for google pages, but just not for me. Unless I decide to make my blog public.

    By "wiki-like" do you mean misinformation entered by anyone? I always cross-reference wiki info now since I read awhile back Bob Dylan was born Canadian. (since edited & corrected). ;)

  3. I'm on the waiting list for all three of my gmail accounts (personal/cd trading/web site registration). Although, I'm only taking the first one that is available, until I check it out.

    My first thought was cataloging my music collection & getting off of (Ph)shithhook.com. Have to see if it works with CGI files (phishhook back-up files) in the same way (or similar) as transfering lists between db & phishhook, if it doesn't, then I doubt I would take the time to re-write or even cut & paste all text info from my list to the google page. But thats somthing I'll have to see when or if I get my page.

    On another similar note,

    I find it funny that gmail is still invite only, I have 300 invites & I know its impossible to ever pass out that many...I wonder when they plan to move from beta..LOL

  4. anyone remember the technicolour sesame street counting game with the funkyass background music

    1-2-3-4-5, 6-7-8-9-10 ... 11 12!

    its been stuck in my head for weeks

    There was a band (maybe someone from Dundas recalls this) I used to see back in 90-91 time, that played that song. Last time I actually recall seeing it played was in 92 maybe, Fat Cats & a couple other bands played the Dundas driving park. Have to inquire if that was recorded or not...hmmm

  5. I was surprised to see the usual run in Toronto moved from may to november, but I guess Gord's taking things a little more slower now-a-days. Although, that doesn't change the fact I still have my fingers crossed for a may run, pre-birthday & pre-summer Gord is always the sweetest.

    JESUS! Esau is going BACK on Lightfoot Tour!

    The Ontario dates look good. I have family in Thunder Bay too.

  6. I was having problems with Nero a month ago, with sorta the same issue.

    I bought the computer in december (brand new), so I was puzzled what the issue would be. I was directed by a trader friend to check microsoft security updates.

    The specific update I required was this one:

    Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0: x86 (KB829019)

    No idea if this will help you, after I installed the update I haven't had any CD burning issues, its pretty easy to check & worth a shot.

  7. (NB Esau is helping me with a couple cassettes, and I am not insinuating he is not being helpful by the above. Esau had something happen to his computer the same week that I sent him some tapes.)

    LOL, I guess you didn't see my post about that in the Fat Cats thread with the list of new shows up & shows coming, as well a few other Canadian artists. Bruce Cockburn being one (two) of those.

    Bottom of first post.... ;)

  8. Source Cable (Quick Clic) is my provider.


    I'm in really strange situation actually, I'm part of a small portion of the Hamilton escarpment that falls into Source Cable's jurisdiction. Because of this my only other option for internet is Bell dial-up.

    I've tried numerous port ranges, with & without firewall/router etc with no success. Pisses me off to, because I'll do a speed test at and will get on average 4.5-5.3 Mb down & 400-480 kbps Up on my connection, should be pulling great speeds with bittorrent, in my opinion.

    6MB/512kbps is what I pay for. :mad:

  9. I just checked my Azureus statistics and have put 460gb of traffic on it since I installed it less than a year ago (probably more like 8 months).

    LOL, thats funny cuz I checked mine and its just over 200 right now. I installed it last june. Before that, I couldn't caculate the amount, I average around 5-8 shows a week now with my throttled connection (peaking at 20kbs dn/ 5 up) before that, I was hitting up to 35-50GB (uploads) a month for awhile (over a year I'm told), supposedly thats what drew their attention, my massive amount of uploads from torrenting.

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