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Posts posted by arcane

  1. I'm between jobs right now, but historically, I wasn't allowed 10 business days off in a row. Typically I'd come back to a bunch of notes and email messages saying things like "Can you do this right away?" and emails upon which I'd been cc:ed saying "she'll do this right away." Some of these folks were so far into their worlds that they didn't even realize I'd been gone.

  2. hey kevO, your girlfriend may not be nuts. different cats give me different allergies. my mom's makes my asthma go off, my sister's makes me sneeze and my eyes turn red and get itchy whereas my friend don's cat just makes me sneeze and feel naseus after a while.

    The allergy is to the dander. Short-haired cats and long-haired cats have different kinds of dander. It's certainly possible to react to one more than the other.

    I've lived with long-haired cats, but the short-haired varieties set off my allergies something fierce, especially during ragweed season.

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