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Posts posted by boiler

  1. Don't forget activist, environmentalist, sometimes communist, always a union man, teacher, farmer, sailor, writer (he either wrote or co-wrote over 30 books) etc...

    In my mind, he is the type of person who never saw obstacles as anything other than an opportunity for growth. Fearless in his pursuit of a good life for everybody and doing what is right by the human race.

    R.I.P. Pete Seeger, one of my true hero's.

  2. I love that he sold them some glass. His glass blowing is really very good. I have a nice hanging vase and a bowl that I love to fill with his hemp seeds. I'm going to have him do some custom work also on an idea I had for a hanging window farm. Can't wait to do it.

    The kickstarter idea is a great one. I think he just went on etsy too. I'll have to dbl check and get back to ya.

    Edit: Etsy site is still in progrss.

  3. I have a friend that went to New Orleans last month. He was drugged and basically kidnapped, they tried to rob him and he ended up jumping out of a moving car. True story. According to the cops that's the type of shit that goes on down there. I've heard nothing but bad things from people that have visited NO over the last few years. Thorgnor, you are the first one I've heard that has liked their visit to NO. I saw on Nat Geo, that it's biggest tourist attraction is the cheap crack, and that a lot of people that are going there for a cheap crack vacay, are getting ripped off and sold fake crack. lol.

  4. Buying vinyl online, most of know, is sometimes a game of chance. Seller feedback ratings can be deceiving at times, as many sellers who have any kind of issue with a buyer, resulting in a returned record, will often withhold their feedback and cancel a transaction, so it doesn't affect their score. Usually, a long history of positive ratings is a strong indicator, but it never hurts to do some investigating. If you have a copy of PhotoShop (Ps), no matter how archaic, and depending on the supplied photography of the vinyl being sold, you can make much more informed decisions before buying online. It's actually easy...

    The Rest of The Story...

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