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Posts posted by gentlemonkey

  1. I suppose if it wasn't quite 3rd-degree-burn hot (near 1st degree, maybe), I could just leave my fist in the bird, hoist it up near my face, and bite off huge hunks like some neanderthal tribesman, or someone eating a chickensicle. This would also have the advantage of leaving no cutlery to clean, and I'd be tasting the remnants crusted into my beard for hours thereafter...



    awesome!! I think you might even benefit from wearing a loin cloth when snacking on your chickensicle.

    thanks for the good times bradly.

  2. ..is it hot enough to eat then and there, or should it be heated up in the oven first?



    First of all, when transporting your little de-feathered friend, I would suggest holding it very close.. under your blue coat even. Maybe huddle it to your chest like a football as you sprint across the parking lot towards your kitchen.

    Once you get home, one sure way of determining if the bird is still warm enough is to ram your fist up its rear-end. If you feel 3rd degree burns developing you knows its good to go; simply remove your fist and enjoy!

    ...and please videotape this for me.

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