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Posts posted by captainsunshine

  1. Just started reading JPod last night and I'm already halfway through.. It's definitely good so far, but I'm kicking myself for watching 2 episodes of the show before reading the book, because the book is way better (and way different!).. I like to use my imagination with forming what I think characters look like, the setting, etc., and since watching the show, I already have images of all this stuff..

    Oh well!

    But it's quite a change going from reading so much information in a biography to a fun fictional book.. I'm flying right through it..

  2. Wow, thanks, d_jango!

    The book tells how Peter never would have written poetry or read publicly if it wasn't for Allen. Allen pushed him pretty much to do it, so it makes sense that after Ginsberg died, he wasn't heard of again. One of Peter's first poems was titled "Right That Down, Allen Said"..

    It surprises me that he is still alive, though. The 20 + years before Allen died, Peter was hooked on a series of substances, including heroin, crack, coke, etc., and went into rages and at times injuring himself..

    I'm gonna definitely look into his life since 1997..

  3. So with a tear in my eye, I finished the Allen Ginsberg bio..

    What a beautiful, amazing story! So inspirational!

    Timouse and d_jango, I'm so jealous that you got to see this legend! And if you're still aching for that uncomfortable, man/man bits, read this book! There's plenty of very descriptive accounts..

    But seriously, such an inspiration that man was!

    The book just left me with wanting to know what happened to Peter Orlovsky. Does anyone know??

  4. GREAT movie!

    I highly recommend this one!

    Today's "popular" music is just outta control.. There's no musical quality, and this documentary really points out the faults and fakeness of today's music industry..

    Along with the stuff Baj mentioned, a highlight for me was when they take a 17-18 year old fashion model and write a song for her to sing.. They show her in the studio singing it (or attempting to actually sing it and sound good).. And it's TERRIBLE, like real bad. Then they show how there's an auto-fix feature in the studio to "fix" her voice. It's crazy how a voice can go from out-of-tune to beautiful with one button.

    Then they show her finished "fixed" song with her in a typical today's pop-star video.. It's hilarious! Her voice sounds great, and it shows how pop stars don't need any talent in today's industry.. Just a pretty face and sexy body..

    But seriously, this is a great movie.. It's super interesting and will keep you laughing the whole time..

  5. I'm currently 522 pages into 'I Celebrate Myself', a biography on Allen Ginsberg..

    Woahhhh! What a guy! I'm learning so much about the Beat Generation, the birth of the hippie generation, and a whole lot more!

    I've never actually enjoyed a full on biography like I'm enjoying this one.. Sex, drugs, poetry, music, world travels, and much more.. I highly recommend this one if you're interested in the beatniks, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady, Timothy Leary, even Bob Dylan and the Beatles..

    Here's Allen on January 10, 1965:


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