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Posts posted by nibbler

  1. more info from the Facebook group:

    There is a song in Zimbabwe that says Music is a Mission not a Competition. For us, African people, our music has always been a mission, it has always had a purpose that could not be contained on the dance floor. It’s a big risk to bring musicians/Poets into town and every time we do a show like this I think, I must be crazy (because we always loose money, we are hoping for more support from you so we can at the least break even). Music, is one of the many art forms, that can be used as a hammer to shape many beautiful things in life.

    This year will be our 3rd annual Black History Celebration at the Markerthall. We are proud to bring to you Mutabaruka live and direct from Kingston Jamaica backed by Mixed Emotions Band from Toronto also featuring Dub Poet Klyde Broox and Peterborough’s own, The Resolutionaries Marimba Band.

    In my experience Canadians embrace the positive contributions that African people have made to this continent quiet easily, especially when it comes to music. Let us remember that Black History Month is just a step forward towards an inclusive Canada, where it will be part of our identity as Canadians to know Black histories so that multi-culturalism is reflected in our institutions, not just in our restaurants and music collections. When we have re-familiarized ourselves with what is happening in Black, White and all multi-cultural communities from a perspective that situates ourselves in a socio-historical context, there will be no need for Black History Month.

    “We need a Black History Month in order to help us to arrive at an understanding of ourselves as Canadians in the most accurate and complete socio-historical context that we can produceâ€. Rosemary Sadlier.

    We need your support, put February 5th in your calendars, Tickets are $15 for students, $20 for Adults. Get your tickets in advance @ Flavour, Have you seen, Bluestreak records, Trent Central Students’ Association, and Trent International Students’ Association.

    This is a family event, doors open 6:30pm showtime 7:30pm

    Keep in mind– People are People because of People!

  2. In the wake of the recent Albertan political defections, Climate Change denier and Wild Rose Alliance leader Danielle Smith was interviewed on CBC radio yesterday.

    She mentioned the climategate emails as proof that the science of climate change is flawed, therefore the Tar Sands exploitation should be moving full steam ahead business as usual.

    More Big Oil Pretzel Logic.

  3. From the facebook event listing

    This year is the 3rd Annual Black History Month Celebration and it is going to be better than ever...

    Live and Direct from Kingston Jamaica legendary dub poet Mutabaruka

    backed by reggae band Mixed Emotions.

    Also performing is Dub Poet Klyde Broox and The Resolutionaries Marimba Band.

    ... the show is happening at the Market Hall Performing Arts Center starts at 7:30 p.m.

  4. Terry Gilliam is a genius.

    Ahead of his time like Orwell, hell of a lot funnier- and great cinematic/artistic eye.

    Avatar is getting two thumbs up from just about everybody I know who has seen it. Lookin forward to it.

    9 is worth a watch for the dystopia genre fan too.

  5. It's amazing to cross the border, look up, and see a haze of thin clouds over upper new york state.

    Every time I go on a sunny day there are more of those very fake looking 'clouds' that have ribbed or ribbon outlines/accents.

    DUDE! They actually let you into the US? Most activists I know are flat out refused the "privilege"

  6. For the first time in almost 20 years, a bright "blue moon" will grace New Year's Eve celebrations worldwide.

    If the skies are clear, revelers looking up at midnight will get an eyeful of the second full moon of the month—commonly called a blue moon. The last time a blue moon appeared on New Year's Eve was in 1990, and it won't happen again until 2028.

    Entire article at National Geographic Website

    Good excuse to let loose or maybe celebrate with an extra ounce of _________?

  7. Glad to see someone took the Ruskies up on this challenge- question is- who was it?

    Was it just another round in a 40 year old weather war between the Soviet Union and the USA- or maybe it was China? The weather modification intervention challenge would give 40,000 full time employees of China's Ministry of Weather Modification something to work at...

    Or perhaps it be that from her death bed- mother nature is sending a reminder that we're fucking with her bag of tricks here?

    Apparently... there was an international treaty (ENMOD) signed in 1977 by both the US and Russia banning this kind of scientific and military weather control experimentation. Not surprisingly- it was one of the first international treaties the Bush administration backed out of.

    "The [declassified] documents reveal that both the US, which led the field, and the Soviet Union had secret military programmes with the goal of controlling the world's climate. By the year 2025 the United States will own the weather"

    Above quote from another excellent weather warfare article from a Canadian website.

  8. I remember when Alberta started their weather modification program back in the mid nineties, hail suppression I believe. My friend Glenn from Red Deer told us about it while we were visiting him. He's a aircraft mechanic and I guess they use the same aircraft (Cessnas and another I forget) he worked on at the time, except not modified like the planes used in the project.

    Crazy shit.

    Things are not always what they seem.


  9. the so called "crazy people" seem to think that powerful interests with ridiculous amounts of money are able to effectively distort the findings of science to fatten their bank accounts... how crazy is that!

    A strangely under reported news in recent years was the pharmaceutical industry crossing the proverbial 'we are too big to fail' threshold: i.e. when for the first time in history, the industry as a whole generated yearly revenues of over one trillion dollars.

    ( thats $1,000,000,000,000! ) - forbes.com

    Over a trillion ranks big Pharm fifth in the top five list of global industries by revenue today, trailing behind only the Financial, Telecommunications, Automotive, and of course the big one- the Oil and Gas industry. - forbes.com

    Unlike the worlds' other big four, the Pharma industry has sailed through the 'economic downturn' without any obvious handouts or subsidization. - forbes.com

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