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Posts posted by nibbler

  1. Don't let them mock you into silence nibbler, I appreciate your point of view.


    Thanks- that was unnecessary but still nice to hear.

    Silence Nibbler? Fear not. As truth advocate and peace, environmental, human rights and animal rights activist blended into one, rest assured I have heard the ship of fools' laughter many times before...

    I have seen small victories in my time, which is more than enough to stoke my hopes and keep me engaged in these 'unwinnable' battles in an era of psychopathic corporatocracy rules.

  2. Well as with most things I am pro-choice. But I do urge all of you to make an informed choice. Talk to your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents. Ask them about measles, mumps, polio, diptheria, rubella etc. The current opposition to many vaccinations today is directly a result of the success they have had. I mean who worries about polio anymore? Another thing to consider is a disease that does indeed affect society today. If there were a vaccine for HIV would you give it to your child? Western/modern medicine is what it is. It is not the be all and end all, but as a traditional first nations healer told me (paraphrased), theres no place like a hospital for surgery. All medicines are complementary!

    One more quick thing, vaccines ARE preventative medicine.

    Who puts the doc in "indoctrination"? The Medical Mafia. Thats who.

    I understand that as a doctor you would lose your right to practice medicine if you questioned today's standard over vaccination schedule. Not to mention the medical mafia would tear you a new hole- or if they felt like going easy on you, maybe just sue the fuck out of you. Understandably quite the effective deterrent for keeping doctors in line and suppressing information.

    Which is why I have so much respect for the handful of brave doctors who have put their careers on the line for the sake of getting the TRUTH out about the dangers of vaccination in general and in particular, of over vaccination.

    [color:orange]All the children learnin', from books that they were burnin'

  3. I heard that prisoners in Ontario jails are forced into getting jacked up with the shot- but the shots for the guards have all been cancelled...

    FYI SUN Media has recently pulled this story off their website- Hmm.. I wonder why?

    "Cons to get shots, but not guards

    Decision to snub staff 'ridiculous'


    Last Updated: 30th October 2009, 4:55am

    Inmates at Ontario jails and correctional centres will be vaccinated for the swine flu Monday, while the guards protecting them have been told their clinics have been cancelled, the Sun has learned.

    "This puts us at risk," says Matthew Duffy, an officer at the Toronto West Detention Centre who's a shop steward for OPSEU Local 517 and a "wellness" representative.

    "They've told us they are holding a clinic for the inmates Monday, Nov. 1, but not one for us? It's ridiculous," he said yesterday.

    The decision to take care of the health concerns of the inmates and not the officers is "insulting," Duffy said.


    To suggest the clinics were cancelled because "there was poor turnout" in other years is ludicrous, he said.

    "I mean this year there's a pandemic, isn't there?" Duffy said. "It's a little different."

    And to add insult to injury, he said, the guards will be part of the security for the clinic.

    "They want us to help put the clinic on and we're not getting the vaccine?" said Duffy, a 23-year veteran. "We have pregnant women on the job. It's not right."

    The correctional services ministry couldn't be reached for comment last night.


    A memo sent to staff said the decision to not give flu shots to staff was based on poor turnout in other years.

    "[color:red]While inmates will be vaccinated at all institutions, the decision was made to not hold staff vaccination clinics at institutions this year due to the small uptake by staff in previous years," says the memorandum from Loretta Eley, of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.

    Also, a memo from Nancy Ogden, a nurse adviser in the ministry states: "Over the last three years of collecting data on our flu clinics, it was identified that in the majority of facilities that conducted flu clinics the employee turnout was poor and some cited this as 'disappointing,' not cost effective, etc."

  4. I'm sending good health vibes to everyone- wether you need them to fight the flu- or wether you need them to fight the adjuvant- they're up for grabs. Extra-fat double dose of good health vibes to moms and dads and most importantly their kids, either way- I recognize its a really tough call you're facing.

  5. Attempt to reign in the circus #1

    Scenario A: get the H1N1 shot:

    best case scenario = nothing happens at all

    worst case scenario = catch H1N1, feel like crap for a week/ possibly die from it (the shot protects about 70% of those who receive it); possible long term immune system disruption, heavy metal poisoning, brain damage, triggering of genetic disease, possibly death

    Scenario B: don't get the H1N1 shot:

    best case scenario = nothing happens at all

    worst case scenario = catch H1N1, feel like crap for a week/ possibly die from it

    I like to imagine myself in another person's shoes for this question as I am already jaded by the experience that not everything the Gubmint tells me is true.

    So I imagine myself as parent of a young child- its spring 2010, the swine flu thing is come and gone- and my child has unfortunately come through it with a worst case scenario outcome. I know, shitty buzz. That being the situation- and I have thought this through several times- I am SURE that I would rather be stuck in that situation by a random act of nature (the flu), rather than stuck thinking that my own decision to vaccinate caused a worst case scenario.

    Anybody else want to weigh in?


  6. While it is certain that genetics predisposes individuals to certain diseases, as with all pathology the triggers for disease involve immune system dysfunction brought about by dietary deficiencies and/or environmental stress. In the case of autism, research shows that a high percentage of those affected are victims of massive chemical toxicity. The neurological damage that is characteristic with autism is strikingly similar to the well-established side effects of mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde toxicity. These neurotoxins are common vaccine ingredients.

    Yeah- Ive heard of the band -Mercury Mainliner- but I guess their sound just doesnt do it for me... When it comes to heavy metal- I prefer Sabbath, Sons of Otis, Hawkwind, Clutch, Kyuss and early Metallica... that sort of thing.

  7. More information about the vaccine-autism issue:

    Once an uncommon disorder in the United States, the incidence of autism is now occurring at epidemic rates. Whereas during the 1970's one in 10,000 children developed autism, it now affects as many as one in 150. What could explain this alarming trend?

    Given the growing burden this epidemic is putting upon both our health care and school systems, it would be informative to know what causes this frightening disease. One might assume that genetics is the culprit since no other cause is offered. However, one might also ask how it is possible to have such an epidemic based solely on genetics. The fact is we are rarely invited to debate the controversy over the nature of this epidemic because the most plausible cause, which relates to changes in vaccination programs over the past three decades, is not readily accepted by a public that believes vaccination is safe, effective and health promoting.

    While it is certain that genetics predisposes individuals to certain diseases, as with all pathology the triggers for disease involve immune system dysfunction brought about by dietary deficiencies and/or environmental stress. In the case of autism, research shows that a high percentage of those affected are victims of massive chemical toxicity. The neurological damage that is characteristic with autism is strikingly similar to the well-established side effects of mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde toxicity. These neurotoxins are common vaccine ingredients.

    During the 1940's and 50's when only some of the population was exposed to only a few vaccines, autism was primarily confined to the upper and upper-middle socioeconomic classes, those who could afford good health care and the cost of vaccination.

    During the 1970's and 80's, the federal government established goals for improving vaccination rates. To achieve high vaccination rates (97%), the government implemented nationwide vaccine initiatives, which included offering federal grants to states and encouraging strict enforcement (state mandates for forced vaccination). During this time period, the number of mandated vaccines gradually increased (from 8 in 1980 to 22 in 2000) as vaccination became a requirement for a much younger population (the majority of all 30 childhood vaccines are administered before the age of 18 months). Only after these developments did autism cross class lines. Today autism is widespread in all socioeconomic groups.

    The way in which autism developed in children changed after the mid-1980's. Parents began reporting that their children developed normally during the first year and half and THEN became autistic. It is a fact that most vaccines contain toxic mercury, many of them grossly in excess of EPA permissible standards for ADULTS!

    In 1979, the mercury-containing MMR was added to the vaccine schedule. In 1988, the mercury-containing HIB vaccine was added. Mercury-containing Hepatitis B for newborns was added in the early 1990's. Children receive all these vaccines, plus mercury-containing DTP, in three to four toxic doses during the first year and a half of their fragile lives, and the vaccines are usually administered simultaneously (multiple mercury-containing vaccines on the same day).

  8. That wasnt intended personally:

    Your example mercury pollution in our fish supply seemed an appropriate segue into my rant. The selective listening the federal government applies when it comes to science it spends time and money on. I blabbed on about tuna but your point about making choices, evaluating risks was equally pertinent.

    It seems if the science serves the interest of fearmongering and control, and/or fattening the coffers of big industry, well then its good science! if it genuinely serves the long term health and welfare of Canadians, or the greater good of the planet- their track record is fuck it.

    A couple doctors I know tell me that if they had to choose between catching the "bird flu" of last year's fame, or the swine flu this year- they would gladly take the swine flu as its far less dangerous than the bird flu was- ooh and look at what a pandemic that turned out to be!

    "DON'T PANIC" - Douglas Adams

  9. there's less mercury in the flu shot than there is in a tuna sandwich. modern life involves evaluating acceptable risks every hour of every day.

    Do people develop severe neurological disorders or die as a direct result and within mere days of consuming tuna sandwiches? Well they sure do after getting vaccinations- and c-towns' link to the video above is a sad example of these very real dangers.

    When it comes to issues like radioactivity leaks from uranium mine tailings; Tar Sands pollution; or Global Warming- the Harper conservatives refuse to listen to or to take scientific evidence seriously.

    Now I am to believe that these same faith based chumps "believe in science" all of a sudden? Without consultation they went out and bought two doses of the H1N1 vaccine for each Canadian... even though millions of us will refuse the shot. WHAT THE FUCK? Huge waste of 500 million dollars

    If you're not confused by the conservatives' flip flopping about reacting to scientific evidence, and you've chosen to ignore the big waste of taxpayer money on this flu hype, its quite possible you too may have already consumed one too many tuna sandwiches! ;)

  10. it's all mind control experiments. anyone who takes the vaccine will become slaves to the illuminati who have been slowly taking over the planet. This is one of the last steps before they succeed at world domination. It doesn't stop here. This 'vaccine' was created by ET's and given to the illuminati to ensure that everyone becomes infected by their special parasitic mind control device. It's all nano-bio-tech mumbo jumbo, but it's real.

    either that, or it's like every other vaccine we've ever had made up of disabled microorganisms. poor little physically challenged microorganisms.

    Hmm, you may be onto something here...

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