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Posts posted by nibbler

  1. On the lighter side- what is conspiracy to manufacture marijuana anyways? pot's a weed- its not "man made"- the shit grows itself!

    Up until the extradition, the media and most people had forgotten all about Emery- but now it seems to be quite the PR winfall for him and the NORML movement in general.

  2. ... I think one of the main reasons this is so lame is because marijuana really should be legal in the first place.

    I don't think it's fair that they are using Marc as the scape goat of it all.

    I saw Marc here in Hamilton, He's not perfect but I still support him and believe he should not go to jail.

    He won't be remembered by most for it, but Jean Chretien was steadfastly moving towards decriminalization and legalization in the late 90's and through the millennium. Emery rode that wave- knowing that selling seeds which themselves had no measurable THC in them was LEGAL in Canada.

    By 2002 the Canadian senate had released a report calling for the legalization and regulation for ALL illicit drugs in Canada-

    However the wave was bound to crash after the 911 coup when a questionable line suggesting that all illicit drugs fund terrorism was rammed into our heads.

    Had Chretien not been ousted- he would have had Emery's back on this case. Ousting is what he gets for standing up to the bully and trying to save a great country from annexation.

    Conspiracy to grow is what Emery gets for trying to help overgrow a sick nation's sick drug policy- a policy which does a lot more to plant seeds of terrorism than a bag of pot seeds ever could.

    and there was no one left to notice... when they came for us

  3. Emotional Bluegrass...haha. Isn't all Bluegrass like that.

    Its more folky with undertones of heavy punk.

    They headlined Merle Fest 2 years ago and that was the only show people actually got up and dance for. The old folks walked out.

    'The old folks' walked out of some of the best sets I ever saw at Merlefest too! Must be a good band!

  4. I guess i just have a problem with governments creating a sense of fear amongst its citizens for a reason they're not entirely sure will even come about.

    a recent CBC Radio program thats really worth a listen:

    White Coat Black Art, Sep 19, 2009 (Swinefeld)

    We've heard a LOT about the global pandemic of swine flu in recent months. Experts are predicting a deadly second wave of the illness this fall. Accordingly, Canadian health officials are scrambling to put plans in place to handle the expected health crisis. It's costing us millions and millions of dollars. But not everyone believes it's necessary. This week, we ask the question: could this be a pandemic about nothing?

    listen to show

  5. If a high ranking justice department official was the cyclist killed and not the driver in this situation, I doubt the motorist involved would still be free to walk out of jail the next day without a bail hearing.

  6. velvet- not to say its "safe" to ride a motorbike without helmet through Saigon, but if you take the airbags, working seatbelts, mandatory helmets for motorbikes and mopeds out of the Canadian equation, not to mention the medevac helicopters etc, I reckon our road safety 'statistics' would be dismal in comparison to Viet Nam's...


  7. r.e. too many signs / not enough brains

    Im impressed at how traffic in huge cities like Saigon and Bangkok, flows along as if its alive- people, animals, cars, mopeds, motorcycles, taxis, buses, trucks, rickshaws, bikes; all flowing together like a giant river- with far fewer and less serious accidents than we have in North America per capita. Definitely something to the argument that signs are a terrible substitution for overall driver awareness.


  8. Sure, generally speaking a former Attorney General is probably an unlikely flight risk, but Im stunned that here we have a violent conflict situation that ended in the death of a citizen in clearly dubious circumstances- a potentially serious crime committed and potential heavy charges pending; and buddy walks out of jail WITHOUT A BAIL HEARING?- fresh change of clothes for the cameras too! Let me guess, his good word will be his own star witness?

    Yesterday, two friends of mine who cycle to work on Toronto's busy streets were stopped by cops in roadside bike safety checks. I drove past one myself at Broadview and Danforth but the cops werent stopping cars- only bikes.

    Thats more spin than just a good PR company can deliver. Buddy's got high friends in places-

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