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Posts posted by Cully

  1. I was at Blue Mountain this week, and I couldn't believe how many people still ski/snowboard without a helmet. I know that a lot of people have the, "it won't happen to me" mentality, but it surprises me how many educated people don't wear one. Some of my friends won't wear one because of style, and others cause they are stubborn.

    I worked with some individuals who have brain injuries, and have seen what can happen first hand. Pretty scary actually, how one blow to the head can change your life forever. I just wonder why so man folks don't think of the consequences.

    Every time I pick up my helmet and see all the dings/marks, I am so happy that I have one!

    I am just wondering what folks here think of the issue. Do you think that helmets will be manditory soon? I hope so...

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