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Posts posted by skelter

  1. I'm having trouble finding the three-disc version of this album. Best Buy and Future Shop advertise it on their websites, but when I went to Best Buy today I found that the standard two-disc version has the same product code as the three-disc version, so I don't think I can order it. Can't seem to find it anywhere else without paying the $200 for the deluxe.

    Anyone know of a solution to this troubling dilemma?

  2. So the missus and I are headed to NYC for a few days, including New Year's, for our honeymoon.

    Anyone have any suggestions of things to do? We're staying at the Hotel Edison in Times Square ..

  3. I was out at the Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area ... a long way from hub-ville.

    I'll have good pics of Bloom to post shortly. If anyone cares about wedding pics, you can add me on facebook :) (chris morris in Kingston)

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