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Posts posted by PhishyK

  1. Ya know, I don't really like to listen to live jamband stuff at work because I find the endless meandering distracting. *grin*

    But, I really like to spice up my playlist with a few choice Phish studio tracks. Right now, the select cuts are Fee, Fast Enough for You and Bug.

    Any other recommendations out there? We gotta spark up the Phish discussion! What are your favorite studio tracks from 'the boys'?


  2. Awww :)

    That's so cute. Sugary cereals are kinda sick, really. And I must say, now that I'm older, I appreciate the value of a good morning bowel movement.

    hey Jaimoe - what's the best quick protein filled brekky? (besides eggs)

    Health is cool!

  3. It really is as important as they say...

    I started eating breakfast consistently just in January. Can't believe how much better I feel! And it keeps me from eating the garbage at Tim Horton's on my coffee break.

    I highly recommend it :P

  4. Hey!

    A great trick to keeping a lucid dream alive: in the dream, rub your hands together vigorously and feel the friction in the dream. Moving your attention (in the dream) down out of your head and into your hands will keep the dream going! Reading this thread reminded me that I had a bit of a lucid dream this morning myself.

    My first lucid dream ever took place on stage! Cool.


  5. Ahhhh!

    Trust me here, listen to me. I love junk food books, just like you will very soon.

    ANYTHING by Stephen King will blow your mind (esp The Stand, Firestarter, etc)

    Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver

    Fall On Your Knees - Anne-Marie McDonald

    Start with those and just drop ol' Unky K a line when you're done.

    -Unky K

  6. Probably Comfortably Numb... with "You Learn" by Alanis and "Green Fields" by David Francey coming 2nd and 3rd.

    Comfortably Numb just reminds me of the past, growing up, past girlfriends, etc. You Learn is just all about life. You live, you learn, you cry, you learn... etc. Green Fields, nobody here knows it, but if you heard the lyrics, you'd understand.

  7. What an unexpected, crazy day....! Our office is in crisis management mode, and I've seen everything first hand out here, pretty wild, it could get worse as well.

    Nice Beatle bass though. Need lessons? :-)

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