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Posts posted by PhishyK

  1. 2 days ago it was 16 degrees and sunny in Victoria. Last weekend I went and had a doobie on the beach :-)

    [color:"purple"]Really?!? Which Doobie Brother was that? Was he gentle and caring, or more of a selfish lover?

    That's private, but let's just say that I had to [color:"purple"]"finish myself off" afterwards

  2. i saw it with my own eyes!!!!!!!! big trucks, full of snow, mountains of it, carting it away from the city in droves...

    needless to say it was quite exciting for me. it was also quite exciting to try and dodge the very large chunks of snow that went flying haphazardly out of the trucks as they gathered speed and bumped along on the highway...

    so yeah. big day for me. ::

    Haw haw!!!


    2 days ago it was 16 degrees and sunny in Victoria. Last weekend I went and had a doobie on the beach :-)

  3. What makes any of you think that women would do a better job running things? This isn't one of my usual a$$hole comments it's a serious question. Human beings are greedy and deceitful by nature, women are no exception.

    Hell, it's worth a try. Anything's better than GWB n' Co. :P

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