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Posts posted by PhishyK

  1. The Cambie in Victoria is the sketchiest lil' cowboy burger beer hellhole you've ever been to. My old jam band played there twice. We'd rip some blues in soundcheck and they'd all be whooping it up, but by the time our set came around they'd be watching all the hippies dancing like "WTF?"

    The good old days ;)

  2. It was an awesome show. I felt like I witnessed something special, especialli when the original drummer (Stephen) joined the band for 2 separate songs. Sweet!

    Wassabi seems to have really matured since their move to the Kootenays. They were much more relaxed and irie, and it was a pleasure to watch. Scotty the bassman told me they were trying to 'decaffeinate' their sound. Great way to describe it. Lots of good reggae too, and that made me feel good. It was a fun night!

    I'd recommend checking out their new sound. Did anyone on here get to see Wassabi on this tour?

    rock on ::

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