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Posts posted by PhishyK

  1. Yep, totally.

    I tried out for this band about two years ago, was offered the spot on bass and turned it down. They are a good band, a very smart band. 3 of them are jazz school grads. Keyboard player is a personal friend of mine. They like jazz and reggae and they are pretty skilled, very groovy drummer and a technically proficient guitarist for sure. I heard some of their latest recording and it was pretty good though I didn't love the reggae.

    They are a 4-piece: G, B, D, K



  2. I found the Cal/Van game 7 pretty boring until late in the third, very cautious, unlike the rest of the series, guess you can't blame them, it was a rather important game.

    True dat, I agree. I guess with so much on the line, teams prefer to concentrate on defence. It'll be really interesting to see if the Sens can break thru the Toronto D tonight.

  3. That was some beautiful hockey!!

    I disagree... it's great that your team won the game, but I really didn't find the Montreal/Boston Game 7 all that exciting compared to some of the insanity that's been going on in the Western Conference. I thought the Habs/Bruins game was played very safely and tentatively. Opinions?

  4. I'm happy for the Habs, sad for my Canucks, and nervous about the Maple Leafs fates tonight. It's very cool, however, that three of the final eight teams are Canadian. It'd sure be great to see a Canadian team in the finals, or a Montreal/Ottawa or Montreal/Toronto conference final!

    I think Detroit is probably going to destroy Calgary but anything's possible. Either way, it's sure an exciting playoff! I am just SO glad that the Anaheim/Minny type teams are all gone.

    Go Canada Go, I guess :P

  5. Worst thing ever though?

    Greg Millen. This dick is the WORST color man I have EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE! What an annoying sod! Not to mention he's quite obviously a Calgary fan. Booooo.

    Cool thing though - AM730 in Vancouver is relaying the CKNW call on a 3-second delay for those who want to shut Millen up and hear the real call from John and Tom. Sweet.

  6. Well the times are gettin' hard for you Little girl

    I'm a-hummin' and a-strummin' all over God's world

    You can't remember when you got your last meal

    And you don't know just how a woman feels

    You didn't know what rock-n-roll was

    Until you met my drummer on a grey tour bus

    I got there in the nick of time

    Before he got his hands across your state line Yeah

    Now it's the middle of the night on the open road

    And the heater don't work and it's oh-so-cold

    You're lookin' tired You're lookin' kinda beat

    The rhythm of the street sure knocks you off your feet

    You didn't know how rock-n-roll looked

    Until you caught your sister with the guys from the group

    Half-way home in the parking lot

    By the look in her eye She was giving what she got Said


    My My My I'm once bitten Twice shy Baby

    My My My I'm once bitten Twice shy Baby

    My My My I'm once bitten Twice shy Baby

    Woman You're a mess Gonna die in your sleep

    There's blood on my amp and my Les Paul's beat

    Can't keep you home You're messin' around

    My best friend told me you're the best lick in town

    You didn't know that rock-n-roll burned

    So you bought a candle and you lived and you learned

    You got the rhythm You got the speed

    Mama's little baby likes it short and sweet I said

  7. I agree - the 2nd movie was excellent. So many interesting and shocking plot twists, great characters, beautiful cinemtography, etc. So great. I can't wait to watch both movies together at once. Beautiful. Uma rocks my world.

    5-point-palm exploding heart technique! BAMBAMBAMBAM!

  8. I am so jealous, you guys! Bela is one of my favorite musicians of all time, I even bought a banjo and tried to learn it (to little avail).

    I am out on the left coast these days, so the Hammer is a bit of a drive for me to make it tonight. But you guys are all guaranteed to have a great time. As a bassist myself, Vic W. is more than a hero or an inspiration, he is a God. And the composition and wit is just so brilliant!

    The one time I saw Bela, I will always remember as one of the best shows I have ever seen. ENJOY IT guys!! Lucky you! :D

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