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Everything posted by badams

  1. Thank God the Jays are back. I might need a team to cheer for come Sunday.
  2. Yeah, but he has a lot more talent to play with
  3. badams

    Tiger Woods

    That ad is creepy and I hope he misses the cut.
  4. It's going right down to the wire
  5. Can someone please post an update after last nights games... Thank you
  6. Sweet... thanks for the update. I can't access it from work.
  7. Oops I have been corrected. In my defense I was either drunk or hungover most of those days. Here is the correct story... If you are talking about The Fink, you are dead wrong. I watched it happen. He removed the skin, put it to the side and ate the chicken. As he was eating one of his last pieces of chicken, I said to him "Wow fink. I am really impressed. You must be trying to eat healthier" He didnt say anything and just kept eating. When he was done his last piece of chicken (around 6 pieces) he put all the skin in his mouth in two mouthfulls. Tilted head and all.
  8. I just hit 100% but to be honest I guessed on at least half of them. More luck than anything.
  9. Booche, Bouche and I once worked with a guy who ordered a bucket of KFC chicken for lunch and then proceeded to eat the skin, he then put the skinless chicken back in the bucket for someone else to enjoy.
  10. I hate to say this but I think they will win 62 to 70 games at the most.
  11. badams

    Who needs a bun???

    lol I just noticed the one of the others. Sorry for the repeat
  12. KFC readies all-meat sandwich KFC's newest menu item gives new meaning to the phrase, "Finger-licking good." It's called the Double Down and it's two pieces of bacon, two slices of Monterey Jack and pepper jack cheese and the franchise's trademark Colonel's Sauce, all packed between two boneless fried chicken fillets. This breadless wonder made its first appearance in Rhode Island and Nebraska in August for public testing, and it looks like it passed. According to KFC.com, the sandwich will launch across the U.S. on April 12. "This product is so meaty, there's no room for a bun," boasts the Double Down page on KFC.com, which features a clock counting down to the second until launch day. The grilled Double Down contains 460 calories, with 23 grams of fat and 1,430 milligrams of sodium, according to KFC.com. Original recipe Double Down has 540 calories, 32 g of fat and 1,380 mg of sodium. By comparison, the U.S. daily recommended intake is 2,000 calories, 65 g of fat and 2,300 mg of sodium. There's no word yet on when, if ever, this new menu item will launch in Canada. MMMMMM Meat!
  13. lol awesome! Ahhhh the memories
  14. Yup, I guess your Internet sites for info are more accurate then mine or maybe just take a more positive spin on things. lol
  15. So it would be wise of Montreal's management to basically force one of them to sign and have him be the back up? I can really see how that would inspire the player and team as a whole. They already have enough problems in that dressing room. Having a disgruntled goalie sitting on the bench is not going to help any. Both of these guys want to start and both of them think they are starters. The Habs will need to choose and and let the other go. I think it would be great to have them both but they are young and want to be the guy. It's not like they are backing up a Brodeur or Luongo. They both can feel they are better than the other guy. Price thinks this because he has been groomed this way and the organization loves him. Halak thinks this way because he shows it on the ice.
  16. Do you really think either of them is going to want to sign as a backup?
  17. The organization still LOVES Price. Halak deserves to start but he needs a good showing in the playoffs for the Habs to choose him over Carey if and when they need to make that decision. Habs fans just have to hope the organization makes the right choice and keeps the best goalie of the two. Price was anointed the savior but Halak has been doing the better JC imitation this season.
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