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Posts posted by Blane

  1. Wack,

    To the best of my knowledge you can't go direct from SHN to mp3. You have to go SHN>WAV>MP3. MKW will do all of that, so it's the only prog you need (check the files section on this site). So it's a 2 step process. Word of warning, though, don't do the opposite MP3>WAV>SHN. it could be hazardous to your health smile.gif" border="0

  2. Graham, I have a cleaner. No worries. You clean every 50 hours of use. PLay the tape 10 seconds and then take it out. Once you've played the tape through, toss it. Never reuse it.

    Call office depot and staples graham. They may have 60meter tapes, for like 7bucks each or something. Still a complete ripoff, but that's the best you can do here. Like I've said before NEVER, EVER buy dats in canada if you can avoid it. They're like the biggest ripoff imaginable. Get Masterpiece or Pro Digital to send you their $1.90 tapes and buy a lot when you do.

  3. Well, that's a pretty open-ended question. Are we talking literally or ideally?

    I'd love to have a pair of Neumann U89s>AD1000>Hhb 800, but I'm short on teh 15k pricetag....


    >Which microphones do you use for different situations and why?

    I patch at big shows from a nice pair of cardioid or hypercardioid mics (Schoeps, Neumann, B&K preferred). I like the hypers in rinks cause they cut down on the reverb, and the cards outdoors to pick up the big sound (even omnis can rock outdoors). However, being a patch-whore, you have to develop an eye or risk sounding like a bitch, asking for a patch then declining (which I never do).

    I use my little AT805b mics for "stealthy" situations and little shows 'cause I have a pair and they were affordable, and they work well if it's not a super loud show.

    >what do you look for in your microphones?

    My own mics? They were affordable and small. Patching mics? I love wide splits (25-30 feet)and good quality.

    >What sort of mic techniques do you use to reproduce a good stereo image?

    Go FOB into the sweet spot (75-100feet back), set your mics (in omni setting) 10 feet apart and voila, you've got Dan Estrin's 12-31-99 FOB recording. Possibly the best ever.

    >Do you use and preamps or compressors??

    if so, what works the best?

    If I could afford it, I'd use a pre and an A>D converter.

    Good Pre-amps: Sonosax SX-M2, Lunatec V2, Beyer MV100, etc.

    Good A>D: Apogee stuff, Sony SBM-1, etc.

    >What kind of recorders work the best for you??

    Dat decks. Sony D8, M1 (maybe D100), Tascam DA-P1, HHB decks rock again, budget and size are a concern.

    I'm writing a taper's guide right now, so I'll post the link when it gets published. Hope that helps though!

  4. Hood, if you're looking to steer clear of divey places, just stay off St. Catherine. There are a number of good places on Sherbrooke and that's a 5 min walk from the venue. There's also a decent hostel down by the forum, which would involve taking a 5min cab ride.

  5. Graham, I'll be at Burt as well, and can give you your ticket then. As for Metropolis, imagine Cabaret layout meets Barrymore's decor. That's ROUGHLY what you can expect. Multiple levels, with decent seats on the balconies, and lots of floorspace. Good sized venue, lax security, though not to the "light a doob while ordering a drink" level of Cabaret or Club Soda.

    That help?

  6. Hey all! Just submitted the 3 copies of my thesis and that shit is finally behind me. Dave, I may have an extra here if you want. Let me know if you need it and I'll confirm. As for the night-of. I'm extending an open invite to all sanctuarians to come help me celebrate the completion of grad school and the coming of Herbie up in my neck of the woods. I'll have to see whether sticking around my place and drinking bottles, or hitting the brew pub down the street for phatty hemp ale is a more popular option, but everyone is invited.

    My number is 514-274-6743 and Sloth and Howler know where I live. Also, I have some (limited) floorspace if that's an issue. Please confirm your reservations at casa del blane-o in advance.

    Hope to see you all there!


  7. it's done. The vile and filthy deed is done.

    I've finished my thesis and will print the fucker out in triplicate tomorrow so that it may be sent off into the outer reaches of the academy, to be shuffled about like so many bits of paper, and eventually forgotten.

    Let's get pissed!!!!!!

  8. Remember my question a few weeks back about how much it costs to revamp a website? Well apparently my bud overbid on this thing and isn't prepared to do it for what they're looking to spend. He asked if I know anybody who'd take the contract. Here's the deal:

    www.biomedcom.org wants to overhaul their site and add all the new fixin's (flash, animation, etc). They're apparently really nice people, but don't havea heap of money. They were hoping to pay significantly less than 10,000 dollars for a full overhaul (maybe in the 5-7k range?). Thing is, my bud's looking to pass this on to someone RELIABLE and ABLE. If you think you're interested, can you email me with links to some of your work so that I can set you up with him?



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