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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. I do agree with briguy about his tactics here in Hamilton. When he set up his rally practically on the front steps of the central police station in Hamilton he kinda lost me. Rubbing it in the cops faces while the law was moreless in limbo didn't seem like a smart move.

    absolutely. It was crass and self-serving.

    I'm with briguy. The debate over marajuana reform could be a cogent and sober one (and I do mean sober). But not as long as we allow people like Emery to annoint themselves the leader of it.

    Not everyone who enjoys marajuana want to mobilize an army of reform around it. I think discretion and modesty go a long way to remind people that not every pot smoker is as obnoxious as Emery is. I'll use enough brains not to smoke weed on the steps of the police station, or send seeds into a country that I know will enforce their laws against it, whether I agree with them or not, and chances are, I'll be ok. Again, Emery is a clown, not a hero.

  2. Does this mean we won't be hearing from him for at least five years?

    Is it still Christmas?!?

    You can't seriously think this was a good thing. No matter what you think of the guy' date=' this is not a precedent I think we should set.

    The fact that he is taking a guilty plea in order to keep his friends from going to jail, speaks volumes to his character, and earned my respect from that move alone.


    I don't think of him as a hero or a martyr. I think of him as an embarrassment.

    I smoke pot and he does not represent me or my concerns.

  3. As insane as this legitimately is' date=' how is Scientology any more insane than any of the other organized religions?

    Their tenets were all created/established by men, too...


    most religions I find to be atrocious, but come on, a religion started by Hubbard? At best his books are science fiction meets new age crap, a complete hoax. At least with religions such as Christianity/Buddhism/Judaism/even with the Yanamono's passage of rights we can explore the ancient roots and find substantial metaphor within it. Scientology is based upon a modern novel, a science fiction novel...

    Just a bunch of lost sheeple looking for answers and to tired and stupid to look inward for insight. I say either get on board or jump ship.

    I don't find a theory of existence created by a 1940's American science fiction author any more credible than a set created by theologians 2000 years ago in what is now the Middle East. Maybe Xenu fought intergalactic battles. Maybe a Christian God created the earth and heavens in seven days 10000 years ago. Maybe people who believe things like these are at least a little bit bonkers.

    Thousands of years from now people may explore the "ancient" roots of Scientology.

    Everybody likes to think that they're special and that their lives have at least some possibility to be eternal. It's a self-made affliction with a self-made remedy.

  4. While maybe not as aggressively transparent as Scientology, there are plenty of people here, in Canada, that encourage their brethren to really only associate with like-minded victims of "belief".

    Announce that you no longer want to share in the scam and listen to sound of metaphorical doors closing all around you.

  5. well it was pretty crazy to take a city bus to a Dead show, I'll tell ya that!

    My memories are very similar to those posted above. I clearly recall many businesses posting "Welcome Deadheads!" signs and hanging tie-dyes in their windows. Sure, they wanted the business, of course, but it was a win-win situation for everyone.

    The period between the 1990 and 1992 shows seems like they were a real growth period for the modern day "scene" in these parts. Suddenly, all sorts of tapes and tapers were around, hitting the road and bringing back their efforts. Bands were forming, friendships and affiliations were cemented. I admit though that I am sure part of my perspective on that is just where I was in age at that time - in 1990 when I first saw the Dead I was 15 years old.

  6. Most places will give the option of letting them handle the booze. You essentially decide on your profit mark-up and sell the tickets. You'd pay a fee to the hall so they can pay the bartender for the night.

    Of course the other option is to go get and pay for a liquor licence, bring in all the booze yourself, pay the insurance premium, pay the fee to have a bartender, and that's another way to do it. More hassle but potentially a larger profit margin.

    It really depends on whether you think you have a big drinking crowd or not. The S&D I'm involved with now, we're just letting the bar handle the booze. I think the cost of a beer from the hall is like $2.30 so we sell tickets for $4 and pocket the difference.

  7. I love when the gay florist comes round.

    I actually don't mind her show but she gets a bit much after a while. I also hate how everything is just so "perfect" all the time.

    I bet that before the two hour drive back to the Hamptons every week, Jeffrey sticks his hang-low into an egg burrito to mask the scent of city skank. And maybe, just maybe, because he likes it. Functional and appealing!

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