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Everything posted by PersonOfInterest

  1. This thread is seven years old, and the Leafs still have no chance.
  2. I will go out on a limb and proclaim that Goose are far and away the pinnacle of the "jamband" genre right now, especially when it comes to their live performances. Concise compositions, tight orchestration, and excellent vocals. Phish are hit and miss with vocals if we're being honest.
  3. Blue Grassy High does not suck.
  4. People say that you should reach for the stars, but little do they know that stars reach for Heady Epic.
  5. So I tried ChatGPT for the first time today. I figured that everyone is talking about this fancy know-it-all AI chatbox, so I should probably try to stay hip and give it a go. Signing up was child's play, and when I finally got to the prompt and was able to ask a question, I figured I would lob it an easy one to start. To my shock and dismay, ChatGPT could not even answer a simple question about the greatest band on earth, Blue Grassy High. Pfff. I think we are still a long ways off from having to worry about Skynet.
  6. I have a vague recollection only. It was a while ago.
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