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Posts posted by paisley

  1. to the best of my knowledge there are still occasional small shows happening but you have to be a member ($25)

    don't know of anything specific though... doubt they'll advertise outside of members much to keep down any excessive numbers

    I'd say there should definately be a weekend of camping up there this summer

    the saloon is actually where the bands and the party went on after midnight until the band didn't want to (or couldn't) play anymore

    sweet place indeed

  2. its April 2nd today right? ::

    looks like I'll be tryin to do a few shows in late july, Indianapolis is a great venue (love the pre and post show wanders through the corn fields, and the afterparty at Dead Creek camp)

    saratoga's lookin awful nice too

    ahhh, it all looks good... I had a fantastic time last year

  3. right on man, if I had've been affluent I would've liked to have checked him out too (maybe not as much as you though ;)) kidding kidding

    guys a living legend, one of a kind... always loved the non-remixed (preferably ablum) version of Hunky Dory (junkie/queer Bowie as his best)

    well, considering he looks 20 years younger than he is maybe I'll get another chance

    his original guitar player is totally under-rated, were there original band members playin or was it studio guys?

  4. just because Cavern is playing doesn't mean its a festival of crappy bands man...

    Tala, Diesel Dog, Caution and the potential of the bands I haven't heard yet is better than I'm likely to find elsewhere without a full day's drive

    peace, sounded like slag to me at first but thats fine if you're changing your tune... I'm sure Mark still cares deeply and there's lot of great times to come at the festival

  5. C'mon y'all - Jared already backtracked and apologized for being so harsh. Give the brother a break! He's just disappointed is all, no crime in that.

    fair enough (I wrote my post half an hour ago so it was kind of behind)

    if you do want to put on a festival Jared go ahead, but don't knock someone else's festival and what other people are looking forward to as really good times

  6. thats quite the over reaction Jared... the festival is evolving into something different than before but that doesn't mean something bad

    if you don't want to go don't, but don't try to turn the board against the festival

    there's nothing wrong with camping with friends and great music no matter how you look at it

    the hot food was certainly a treat, and the dusty dance area was soft on the feet and they've taken the time and trouble to find an area for partiers to camp away from the families, very considerate... Frontier Town wasn't built in a day either ya know

    as to where to find a location you may remember everyone on the board put their heads together last year and didn't come up with much... private land where the owner is willing to put up with several hundred partying freaks is hard to find... if I wanted to go to a corporate festival I'd just go to one of the Barrie rock fests

    in any case, Esau's dead right... Mark doesn't deserve to be slagged for all his blood sweat and tears putting on years of awesome festivals

    a lot of bands that are popular on here are playing the Shaker meaning they're out east... simple logistics dictates they can't be in two places at once... later in the summer a lot of them will likely play CTMF and then you'll be dying to go... not every Frontier Town had amazing line-ups but it didn't stop people from loving the festival, just meant more time partying at your campsite with your friends and wicked times regardless

  7. people dissin the Dead is a good thing, keeps the scene pure®... people show up because they want to, not because its the cool thing to do (well, I guess that kind of changed in the 90s, but still)

    Hendrix had one of the original tube models of those nero pedals that played all the notes for him :P

    its all apples and oranges, just comes down to who do ya like better (rockers)

  8. as long as you aren't acting like a complete and total jackass, and you party responsibly enough you aren't pissing people off left right and centre, then you shouldn't really run into any difficulties.

    wakeupwakeupwakeup itstimetogetuppppp

    I've never tried to piss anyone off but I don't like bumping into 7 years olds while I'm stumbling about at 9 am on day 3 mumbling about god knows what... its good things are seperated... something I truly enjoyed about Frontier Town was if things became a little "overwhelming" I could duck out to the back 40 or into the forest for a bit without having to disturb anyone

    I prefer the wild tribal drumming fire spinning gathering than the party hardy but responsibly type gathering but if I'm free that weekend (and can afford it) I'll likely stop by

    musically speaking most of the bands I travel to go see are playing at the Shaker... while there's some all right things going on on the list if the prices are the same as last year I'd like to see a few things added... most of the bands I can see here in town fairly regularly

    I sure miss the saloon, but campings fun and better yet with live music... guess I'll leave it at a "we'll see" for now

  9. ::


    looks like I should get classicrock.ca off the ground sooner than I thought

    love jimi's stlye and passion but he didn't change my life with his heart, and maybe my mind is made of noodles but I prefer garcia's multiplicities of musical meanderings (they tickle my brain) and tear his soul out vocals, and judging from interviews I've heard I'd rather discuss this strange plane of existence we're experiencing, while watching the sun set off the island, with Jerry anyday (and I wouldn't have to worry about him trying to burn our only guitar or wiping spit off the strings because jimi used it to floss)

    jimi off the Island

  10. nice review (for pullin an all nighter)

    I love how the Silver Hearts' theramin player never cracks a smile, I'd be beamin like a rainbow up there if that was my job

    awesome band... my personal labeling for them is Tom Waits meets a New Orleans funeral march on the Delta

    Slammin Jack have been growing steadily for a young band, I'm quite anxious to see what the past 7 months have done for them (they passed though town heading out east last summer and were quite good but a little insecure(really worried about the small hamilton turnout)... on their way back west a month later they had the road in their eye and easy smiles and you could hear that take the playing up a bunch of notches)

  11. I have my own pop3's there \/\/illy, we're not all consultants with our own T1's

    was just mentioning it for people who're stuck using hotmail or yahoo... looks a whole bunch better than either of those

    if you're going to try for a unique name its probably be best to try and grab one as soon as they become available, before someone else scoops it


    jhamie@hessvillage.com ::

    heard that yahoo spams ya but gmail isn't available yet so its hard to know how someone figured that out, their home page claims they're installing the toppest of the line anti-spam software

    I like seeing google going up against microsoft, bout time someone did

  12. Search, don't sort.

    Use Google search to find the exact message you want, no matter when it was sent or received.

    Don't throw anything away.

    1000 megabytes of free storage so you'll never need to delete another message.

    Keep it all in context.

    Each message is grouped with all its replies and displayed as a conversation.

    No pop-up ads. No banners.

    You see only relevant text ads and links to related web pages of interest.

    should be out in the next few weeks


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