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Posts posted by KarinGarage

  1. is it wedensday yet? i can't wait anymore. i'm looking forward to seeing some old friends and meeting new ones, too!

    i'm not sure, but baj, capt. sunshine, and kanada kev- have i met you before? i'm the crazy american chick that shows up from time to time at CTMF and other places around canada. i'm normally haning out with the chatham and kitchener crews

  2. woohoo!! so it looks like I am forsure going!!! Hippyrastachild(lauren) and I are heading down!!! we are both SUPER excited to go!!!!!!!! This is my first American festival too!

    Hey sarah! so glad to hear you'll be making it! one more week, baby!

  3. feck the "u"! i don't know why, but that extra u you guys throw in words like flavor and color really drives me nuts! although, i really like using "eh" in a sentence. people over here always ask me if i'm canadian because of that.

    when you canadians use spell check, do those words come up as misspelled or do you have a special canadian version of spell check?

  4. Here's my list: G C D, with the occasional F and sometimes even an Am. :P

    hahaha!!!! that's so true.

    thanks english! i appreciate the help. hey, anything going on in KW this summer? i'd love to come over for a visit soon! i miss you guys!!!!

    and you're always welcome to come visit too. hookah and allman bros are playing here in detroit this august and i still think you should come to nelson ledges!!!

  5. Y'all should try to get there early for Katz 'n Jammers a la Ekoostik Hookah vibrations. Katz is Hookah's lead singer/keys/acoustic guitar player. I've never heard his side band but I suspect they'll please. You ever seen 'em Fisty?

    Looks like they're playing the main stage on Wed from 2:45-4:00pm.

    CAN'T WAIT!!!

    nope, never seen 'em, but I have seen ed and johnny"s new band One Under. they opened for particle a year or two ago here in detroit. The memory's a little fuzzy, but they were all right, not great, but all right. I only caught the end of their set since we were late getting down to the show. that was a while ago, so who knows, they could be a lot better by now

  6. I'm so excited! James and I will be there for sure! Can't wait to dance the night away with all you crazy cats!


    :) :) :)

    Karin and James' date=' nice to read that you will be there!

    Peace, Mark


    Thanks Mark! glad to hear that you'll be there too!

    i can't wait to spend a wonderful weekend full of great people and great music!!!!!

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