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Posts posted by KarinGarage

  1. well, i know a lot of landlords will allow you to pay your security deposit over time if you don't have it up front. isn't that essentially the same thing as getting a loan?

    Obviously, don't get the apartment if you can't afford it, make sure it's well within your means.

  2. well, if you get the loan, but don't get the place, you can just use the actual loan money itself to pay back the loan. if you make all your payments on time, it'll really help your credit score.

    i say go for it!!! I think the experiences that get you super excited and freaked at the same time are the best experiences in life!

  3. ahh, puppy! let's see pictures!

    when i kennel my dog, i put a blanket over the kennel to make it more cozy for her,like a cave or den, but my dog never barks anyways. also, nevr go back in when they bark, even to yell at them, that just teaches them that if they bark, you come back in.

  4. i just bring pints in right in my purse. the key is to have one with a bunch of pockets that they can't possibly check them all, make sure the bottles are plastic so they're not so heavy and so 2 bottles dont clink together while they're checkin (learned that one the hard way)

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