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Posts posted by KarinGarage

  1. awesome! glad to hear you'll be there too!

    And I'm glad to hear you'll be there too! I see Schwa will be there also. I just got tix so I'm not sure who else will be there. We'll have to hook up.

    kuipers schwa. james and I are driving out together, meeting up with cully, c-towns and livingstoned out there. i'll PM you my cell # so you can call us when u get there.

    do you need a ride from MI? I think we'll have room for one if you do.

  2. If it's the same set up as last year, it shouldn't be hard to find your friends, but I would suggest communicating thru text message, i remember a lot of calls not going thru last year. The stages are very close together, I think the longest walk was maybe 10 or 15 minutes thru the forest, but can't quite remember as mushrooms tend to bend space and time for me ;)

    have a great time!

  3. I'm with you on the quiz takings, d_jango. I couldn't care less which super hero someone would be, or TV mom, or place they should live...

    Although i do like seeing the staus changes, sometimes. Living away from home, it's kinda nice seeing what people are up to.

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