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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. Hey Greg thanks for that awesome heads up brother... ive done some time in electrical with installing cable but that 200 ft up idea kinda freaks me out a little... Ive had a little interest in me on the music side today and Ive only sent out one resume so things are starting to look up... keepo the ideas coming if anyone has openning sor possibilities... thanks guys...

  2. I will hit that up tomorrow Jaimoe thanks man...

    Bones thanks for all the info not only for myself but for others... BradM...thanks for the suggestion but i need to get as far away from selling books for a while as possible... mind you I do agree... the small guy is where its at! especially for customer service...

  3. Well it seems like I have finally put to close a crazy Chapter ( no pun intended ) of my life today. I had been toying with the idea for over a year now and finally had to just up and walk away. I either just made the best decision of my life or the worst but only time will tell. I will tell you it feels as though a giant weight has been lifted from my shoulders. On the other hand , Im a bit freaked out having to pay rent in February and am currently broke after Christmas and New Years. Anyways, I am a creative, up beat approachable typr of retail manager that is looking to get back into the music (ie CD's, DVD sales ) biz and far away from the cruel world of books. Its not as great as it sounds working in a bookstore I'll tell you. At least at the management level. Actually anything in entertainment would be great so Julia, still want my resume? I could have it for you this week. Well that is all... off to writing a very creative January cover letter. Oh joy , the greatest time of the year to look for work. But hey.. Im smiling!

  4. ull be hard pressed for me my friend... i tried to give them a chance back around 96 when they played the side stage of Edenfest... now I know theyve come a long way since then... there live show is a little to over the top for me... not saying that the album versions may not be stellar but they really do nothing for me...

  5. The power supply WAS the problem with the shut downs.... workin like a charm now.. nice and cool... the dl problem was fixed today with help from Rogers tech support.. apparently some settings had been changed and all it needed was to restore the default settings... im a happy camper!! Thanks for everyones suggestions!! very much appreciated!

  6. thats actually what i want questcequefuck... notice I cant dl anything at this moment... just teasin brother...

    Ive got Rogers looking into it but who knows what those guys will find... anything else on here... keep em comin...

  7. power supply replaced. No longer overheating. Old power supply had seized fan. PC is no longer doing the beep-shutdown-restart rumba, but I still cannot download. Weirdness. Right-clicking on MP3's or other URL's for "Save as" doesn't work, but left click for direct link causes the MIME table to initiate local associated app - ie - Quicktime Player for MP3. So obviously I CAN download, just not to do save as. Probably need to fix IE install, but CANNOT DOWNLOAD. Will have to source from somewhere's else.

  8. thats my next option as well there Eric but i am starting to worry about theboard as just today the computer will give me an error message when trying to dl anything saying that internet explorer could not open the particular site... this sound familiar?

  9. Well i gotta say that I had a great New Years with great friends but there was still a little emptiness in not being able to say good bye to you guys for the time being ( hopefully)... Nero has brought so much joy and happiness into my life and others around me... thank you for all the great times... the many 401 theme dedications and your general kindness and generosity...

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