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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. thanks ollie... im gonna try the spraying thing first seeing as though i spent the money on it... cant seem to find any virus on the comp that would be causing this so it just may be the power suppy... could too many plugs in the computers power bar be an issue?

  2. thanks for scarin me weezy... but hey thanks for the ideas... we tried the fan earlier and it is running a bit better but had 2 random shut downs though both were around burnin a cd... i plan to try to clean the fan even more... keep em comin folks...

  3. thanks for the tip Megs.. ill pass that on... I know Leese is pretty diligent when it comes to her assignments... its just I worry if it shuts down before she gets any chance to save... oh and for all you that may be able to help.. we use XP pro

  4. It seems that our computer now has a mind of its own... at any time it will beep and then shut down and restart on its own... the only changes that we have made were installing soulseek a music sharing program ... we have since uninstalled it... the shut downs started after putting in a discs of pictures we had taken... our anti virus cant find anything and im starting to be at a loss... im a little worried with Leese going back to school Monday and i worry she may lose work... any ideas would be greatly appreciated...

  5. hey glad you enjoyed it Jaimoe... I on the other hand didnt take that much away from that performance... i thought it was kinda slow at times and the keys were way down in the mix so it left the song with kind of an open or something missing feeling... not saying that I dont love Govt Mule I just think they waited a little too long to get to the jam when Warren finally let loose and then kinda ran outta time... great to seee them on TV anyways...

  6. burnin fire i think was the title of the opener...

    a nice words by Neil Young... a tune called marijuana with one lyric... guess what it was .. anyone?

    I must say though these guys can rock a room... pretty good turn out at the Horseshoe... great stage presence and awesome musicians taboot... this will not be my last Spades show gaurenteed!

    nice to see you again M... sorry though i forgot of a previous engagement that I have tonight so will probably not be able to attend your get together...huck good to see you again... its been a while... and Cowboy... thanks for the beerskis brother..., the falafel and the cab ride home... good times again as always... good luck on the apartment hunt!

  7. sorry brother... unfortunately i havent been working for the past month and have no such funds necessary in making it up this year... trust me im very sad about missing the show and getting to see everyone again... good times will still be had though... i gaurentee that... have a great one up there eh!

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