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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. Tebow went at 25 to Denver ahead of Clausen.

    I'm pissed that we havent addrsssed any of our needs. A shitty O line, shitty at QB, we had Marshawn at RB.

    Move the team to Toronto already cause this is as brutal as if it was run by MLE.

  2. cut and paste works well from the old thread so here ya have it...

    Well i was originally ForbinHood on this board in the early days... then one fateful weekend trip to see String Cheese Incident at Finger Lakes in NY State PassedOutGuy was born... after the show everyone was partying late, singing and jamming back at the KOA Kampground... trying to keep er together i was passing in and out of consciousness... which brings us to one point where I was completely out and this American kid beside me smacks me on the arm and says " Hey Passed Out Guy what are ya doin?" ... it was on the ride back to Canada with Bouche the next day that I realized my fate...

  3. Wow... what I miss going to work each and every day to support my family... as Greg said, That's life.

    Thank you all for letting me come home after a hard day (selling books) and out a good smile on my face.

    I wonder if I have access to 8000 pieces of work at any time? Oh ya, I Do.

  4. Thanks zero for taking my really positive thread and twisting it to highlight your over the top hypocrisy. We almost forgot that the only things that are good are "all things zero".

    Cheers mate.

    ^ Fag Central. Boo hoo hoo. Give it a fucking rest. I'm a music journalist - I've read 8000 more things about music, books, articles than you have - it's an informed opinion and I think I made pretty clear it was just my opinion. But sorry your little precious band who's album is probably quite good but who's concert was, in my EYE, lacklustre. Then again I don't drink, wasn't on molly and have, you know a valid perspective.

    Enjoy the gooballs doucheball.

    Music Journalist? Fuck that how about music Elitist? I've been reading your bullshit on this board for way too many years to say that you have any cred in my books whatsoever.

    You've read 8000 more things on music than I have? Again, more musical elistist garbage... damn you are headier than me brah. What a load of crap... what do you know about me and my musical background Luke?

    Way to get to the name calling too... when someone calls you out it's is something you do well. Grow up dude.

  5. This will be a great opportunity to see an awesome band. Whenever they come to Toronto' date=' they always end up playing a room much smaller than they should, which ends up selling out in 48 microseconds.[/quote']

    last time I saw them in Toronto it was FREE and outside at Harbourfront Centre...still packed though!

    That was a killer show too... so much fun. Would love to see them again sometime.

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