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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. Great season for sure.... Congrats to DaveO and Booche for ending 1-2.

    DaveO summed it up nicely in that I was able to b caught due to man games.... not mention you and Booche had some super hot teams after the break.

    CAn't wait for next year.

  2. i'm going dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooown tonight.

    I'm kinda gettin scared actually.

    Fack Malkin and his bullshit foot injury. Isnt supposed to play on the weekend and I sit him and he pulls 4 pool points... i dress him tonight and the bastard sits.

  3. Thanks zero for taking my really positive thread and twisting it to highlight your over the top hypocrisy. We almost forgot that the only things that are good are "all things zero".

    Cheers mate.

    Have fun at the show next week all... if only it was a couple of weeks later. I'll catch em next time around.

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