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Posts posted by jayr

  1. Well now that I've had a day to recoup I figured I'd post a bit more indepth.

    I really can't say enough about the great eclectic mix of music on Saturday. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the bands that came out to play and Allison did a wicked job putting the whole thing together.

    We couldn't attend Friday and we had to leave early Sunday morning (babysitter and what not) but I saw so much great music. We got there in time to catch Must Stash Hats set and they were great. They had a couple of special guests and I like these guys more and more every time I see them. I spent most of my time trying to record a bit of each band on my ZOOM H4 recorder as well as getting as much video as I could.

    Some of my other personal highlights were: The Funky Truths set, The 20+ member drum troupe that played the main stage, Dave Lauzon's amazing sets in the Farmhouse and Chameleon Projects late night set as well.

    It did rain for a bit that night but didn't damper the mood at all.

    Thanks to Allison and everybody that played and came to the fest for making it such a great time. Hopefully I'll be able to get some of the recordings in order and online so I can share.

  2. Yeah, I'm not one for tribute bands at all but being that the majority of Phish songs are complicated and take some serious talent to pull off convincingly I'd go see these guys if they came to my town (unless of course the real Phish was an alternative!)

  3. I am tired of these opening weekend #'s, I think they need to start using stats such as $ per screen or something. Of course it set a record as every theater is showing it on at least a few screens multiple times per day.

    Yeah, they should start releasing the Popcorn sales totals. Since when was popcorn worth more per ounce than gold? I'm in the wrong business....

    Oh right, killer movie though!

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