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Posts posted by Gateaux

  1. Have to say I loved this flick as well. There's some definitely some cheese but i like the fact that there's some good humour thrown in there as well.

    The kid who plays lead is a solid little actor too.

    The opening monologue with the original Optimus's voice made me facking excited!!!!

  2. Hey Jared can i ask how you afford a Hummer, Mortgate, Cottage, Boats and such? Do you have rich parents or a great job. I have an inkling that it's option A.

    And i've got to go with the Majority vote on Hummers, your making up for something there dude.

  3. Hey Jared, i have no idea who you are but in all seriousness i wanted to ask how old you are, mainly due to spelling but there are other reasons as well. Please fill me in, thanks braseph.

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