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Posts posted by Gateaux

  1. "mary is the female me with better connections in Canada"

    That is a sweet fucking quote.

    Kung i've only met you a handful of times and you've always been a nice guy, don't know what issues your dealing with right now but best luck in overcoming them.

  2. This is so strange - i had this exact thought yesturday, when i birthed one of the most satisfying of my life. Had to fall between type 3 or 4, crossed with "anaconda" type for its length.

    That is glorious brother, but guarantee it didn't have anything on the monster poo at Shoreline. I'll never forget that poo or was it shit?

  3. Incredible two nights of music, friends and good times. You couldn't ask for more out of a weekend.

    Thanks to the boys for throwing down hard, everything was pure gold i'll never forget how energized the bar felt second set on Saturday i thought my head was gonna explode.

    Nice to meet and party with lots of new peeps and nice to see the "regulars" in fine form as well.

    Here's to more reunion shows!!

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