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Posts posted by questcequecest?

  1. haha, no pictures. not allowed.

    reminds me of another comical event(s).. the place was packed, so security was having a hard time getting around to all the little scuffles. the security guy in front of me would push his way around closing peoples cell-cams, and if he couldn't reach, he's shine his flashlight directly at the camera to try and 'overexpose' the picture. this dork was taking his job waaaay to seriously, we had to laugh at his futile efforts.

  2. great show! the costumes were outrageous, and pretty much every song was accompanied by a severed limb or head that would then spew red, green , blue or clear liquid all over the floor crowd. ...like a constant garden hose turned on the crowd.

    the crowd was all ages and raging! topless chicks, stinking hippies, tattoed goths... everyone. a lot of moshing and crowd surfing, much to the dismay of the security, and delight of the band. the band would occasionally spray security in the back of the heads as they were dragging crowd surfers off the floor. at one point they said "...the violence. it's funny, keep doing it!"

    good time, very entertaining. fyi, i stayed a safe distance back....

  3. I went to the Buffalo show, and thought it was great!

    ...opened with Hank to Hendrix, and continued with many acoustic favourites. lots of soft cougar voices could be heard singing along, and some rythmic clapping during one or two songs, but not enough to drive me crazy!

    the crazy horse set was great! quite a few newer tunes, and a long jam/rock session to round it out. the encore was cinnamon girl and hurricane, i believe.

    my favourite part was when Yo! appeared in the row in front of me after setbreak. Then, the rightful owners of the seats came down and Yo! had to leave. He could be seen grooving in the left-hand aisle....

    didn't see any mics there, but still hoping for a recording. would it have to have been a stealth job?

  4. thanks everyone...

    schwa, i had though that guy failed to fix the actual problem. i've only had my oil changed there (common sense automotive), but also thought they were ok. i was unsure because i thought you had a bad experience... it's closest, so i think i'll give it a whirl. nothing complicated, just some exhaust pipes... sounding like a harley!

  5. the whole show is odd. ...or was a few years ago. i saw them open for Antibalas at the !Exclaim 10-year party, and thought it was pretty bad. as far as sex with boys, there were male go-go dancers who gradually undressed during the show (part of the band/show, i believe).

    i like the starlight as well.

  6. My employer promotes volunteering too. I'm a Trail Monitor for the Bruce Trail Association.

    This consists of walking sections of the Bruce Trail (at least) 6 times per year, and reporting any damages to structures, or impassable sections of trail to the Trail Captain, who organizes a work party to fix it (a bunch of retired old guys).

    I went for a nice walk today!

  7. I was in a foot of snow today in St-Paul, QC! Unfortuanately, my snowboard is nearly 1000km away. I could even see Mont Ste-Anne across the river (from hwy20). For a saint, she's quite a tease!

    aside: I had a great grilled cheese today consisting of cheddar, apple slices, and raisins. yum!

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