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Posts posted by LJFH

  1. For my first moe. show, it was pretty damn good...I don't think I stopped dancing the entire night. An all around crazy fun night...even getting to the after party was an adventure.

    Some of my favorite moments:

    -the rain at setbreak

    -Jay and the snoring demonstration

    -ordering pizza

    -walking forever in the freezing cold rain and wind for ONE free beer!

    -graham, hood and the id musclehead

    - hiding the stash in the apple juice bottle at the side of the highway.


    -laying in the sun with my feet in the water .

    It was a great trip and I can't wait to go see moe again.

  2. I don't really know a lot about what is going on with this whole situation, but I have seen enough bad stuff posted on this site lately, that I NEVER thought I would have seen and frankly turns me off the whole idea of a Scene.

    IMO, there shouldn't be a "SCENE" because to me, even the fact that we have a term for the musical interests and bands that we admire makes me a little uncomfortable. I am all for supporting the bands that I like...by going to their shows, telling my friends, and just enjoying the groove. But as for suporting a Scene or one specific site or group, I just don't get it. This "scene" is supposed to be about peace, caring, love and friendship all while enjoying the kick-ass jams that these bands honor us with...but, lately all I have been seeing is anger, hurt, spitefulness and just general rediculous behaviour.

    If we LOVE this SCENE as much as we say we do, then why not put differences, ambitions, and opinions aside and truly get together to make the whole thing better. There is no reason why everyone can't do this?? Does this make any sense?

  3. Things I've learned:

    Live life to it's fullest, cause you never know what may happen tomorrow.

    Life is precious

    Borders and Patriotism are not necessarily good things......a world without borders where everone takes care of each other would make for a more peaceful existence.

    George Bush is an egotistical, bullying warmonger who I find, personally, much scarier than the "terrorists".

    There is always an upside to tragedy....some people hopefully learn to be kinder, more sensitive and much more open to other people's opinions/cultures/religious beliefs.

  4. I was introduced the site when I still lived in Halifax. My lil friend Mikey told me about this fun lil website he was working on and told me to check it out....since then it has gone from an unfinished concept to this terrific site.

    I have met and made friends with some terrific people and really enjoy the topics and conversations that evolve here.

    Best Part.......the music. Being able to share my love of music and life (which I believe one cannot be without the other) with other people who love life/music as much as me makes me really happy.

    I have a hard time finding any joy in the commercial garbage "music" that is produced today and the "lifestyle" that goes with it, so I was never happier to find a group of people who shared the same values, lifestyle choices, and joy for life that I have.

    Gives me hope that the world is not as messed up as it seems.

    [big Grin]

  5. The Young sisters, hood, steve and I went to the show....it was really good. But I wil say that they quit a little early on us. We were just really getting into the dancing groove when they said...."that's it, good night".

    But it was really fun. That was my first time in Ottawa and at the Dekuf...i enjoyed myself lots! Got to meet Dr. Hux (hey Jeff).

  6. Charlie,

    I definetly want to discuss $$ before I decide to take over the position cause I don't want to end up doing the job and only getting paid what I do now....it is a lot of extra work and responsibility, so I want to make sure that it is worth it for me.

  7. Yeah, I know how much she was getting paid cause she and I are friends. I was only thinking about asking for about 25%-40% of what she was getting, which would be a great raise for me.

    It will be quite an added responsibility, but I would mainly be an entity onto myself. I won't have to report to anyone as the job is pretty much a department onto itself. So, I think that it would be reasonable to ask for that much at least?

  8. I have been asked to take over a position of someone who is leaving, in addition to the position that I already hold. If I accept the position, the company will effectively save a huge amount of money by virtually eliminating the old position. I don't want to accept the position without receiving reasonable compensation for doing the job. I have some ideas as to what I would like to say with respect to the issue, but would like some outside advice as to what to say, how much to ask for etc......any help?

  9. Oh yeah, another funny one...

    Homer 'anonomously' donates $10,00 to PBS and has to go to ned flanders for help to get away from them......'But I'm not a missionary, I don't even believe in Jebus......save me Jebus".

    and then when he is on the island he is licking the frog and gets all stoned.....heheheheh!

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