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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. Send some muscle over and get them to crack open some lettuce heads and break some carrot sticks. :: Seriously though where are these guys located? Collecting on a debt is much more effective face to face. I remember them calling my house not too long ago and trying to get us to join. I'm glad we didn't. Fucking Hippies. Stick to the saturaday morning farmers market, they gots all the headie veggies you need.

  2. 'Bonnaroo is like an all you can eat buffet of music'

    'The cleanest port-o-lets of the summer'

    'Bonnaroo is the like the major league of summer tour'

    'headie headiest headies'

    'bonnaroo, the 1st cash cow of summer tour rats'

    'best show I ever saw'


  3. Learning to write lyrics is like learning to play an instrament, you need to practise. Try to write as much as possible. Write about anything. Sometimes I'll try to challenge myself and write a song about a coffee cup or some hobo I saw begging for change. Just write about anything. This will get your brian used to the idea of thinking up clever ways to express a feeling or insight. If you have a specific idea or feeling you wish to express, try to really focus in on what you are trying to say. I find really getting at the root of what you're trying to express will help to bring the words into focus. Also, you have to realize that 80% of what you write will not really be useable, but it's that other 20% that is gold. So, keep writing, try to do it as much as possible and eventually you will start to discover a writing style/method that works for you.

  4. Trey dedicated an Antelope in his honour in deer creek last summer. Aparentaly he got busted selling molly and was the 1st show he'd missed since 89. This is just what some headie newscaster told me after the show, so i'm not garunteeing the actual factual content of the statement.

  5. yes, staring into the campfire. I love the colours, always changing, blue, yellow, orange, red, purple, then green, next thing i know it's turning tye dye and all these little people start dancing on the flames. twirling, spinning and oh shit, now their talking to me. come join in the fire dance. wow man there's like a whole city in the fire man, with buildings and roads and trees and sky and clouds man. Big fluffy clouds with a vien in it and it bleeeeding on me oooohhhhhhh shittttttt!!!!!!!! - campfire ghosttown 2000

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