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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. Oh my God!!!!! I find this picture very offensive. I personally know that donkey and I know for a fact that he was very wasted when that picture was taken. I mean look at him, he can barely keep his eyes open. And I have to tell you that bear looks pretty shocked too. I don't imagine he was planning on having his picture taken and posted on the internet. As someone who has never been to a zoo, i find these pictures disgusting. Please take them down or at least replace them with some nice looking pussy.......


  2. yes this show was the bomb. These guys kick ass. even if you're not really into hip hop they'll make you wave that hand in the air. I love how they don't rap about bitches and ho's or bling bling, they got some really cool things to say. And they can freestyle like a muddaf*%cker. These guys are the jamband of hip hop(wink wink).

    Cutchemist wasn't there, so they only had one DJ(numark) but all 4 MC were there. I've seen these guys 4 times now and they never disappoint.

  3. What about dress up costumes? is anyone following the alice in wonderland theme?

    also can anyone explain the camping setup? someone told me it was park and walk to campsite and then hike to stage area, can anyone confirm this?

  4. what do you know, it's my birthday too. you're the 4th person i know with the same birthday as me. Actually one of my 1st girlfriends also had the same b-day, which was pretty weird when we 1st met, which pretty much sealed the deal that night. Oh those highschool romances.

    ps. since I'm the oldest person i know with this b-bay then the rest of you beatches have the same birthday as ME!!!

  5. So I was thinking about who my favorite simpsons characters were and started to wonder if maybe the reason I like them was cuase i could relate to them. So I pose this question... which simpsons character(s) do you think relate to your personality

    I'm a cross between....





  6. Remember the story about Busey bailing his coke stash on the back of his dog and how he was trying to comb it out and huffing it off his dogs back

    honestly officer, it's the dogs coke. I'm just trying help him get off the drugs

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