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Posts posted by TonyRage

  1. So I hope to see many many people this weekend. Not too big a drive. Looks like a sweet spot too. Cowadelic and all that.

    I'll be there.

    Playing my first festival.

    Pretty excited.


    See you there.

    All right then.


    What was it people used to say here...something taboo.


  2. The problems are so overwhelming and complex. Take Uganda for example, where they have been in civil war for 17 years. Children there sneak back to rtheir village at night after school for fear of being kidnapped and forced into rebel armies. It is refered to as the forgotten war because of the tiny amount of media time given to it. George Strombolopolous gave a section of the hour last month to the war, but I have seen nothing else in the past six months.

    There is little we can do from here. Money does not help when corrupt leaders use that money to fight instead of put teh money towards education and health. Sad as it may be (since I hate forced conversion) but the Jesuits still do more than any one group to educate the people there (the only chance of real and sustainable uprising is an educated populace). Unforunately there education is very religious and not so practical.

    Short of going yourself and teaching or providing healthcare, your best bet to help is to find development groups (micro credit developement is really effective) and give money or time to help promote them and their mission.

    Here are some resources.




  3. It really shocks me that the city wouldn't be supporting it's cyclists. In toronto, cyclists are the only reason you cna breathe in the summer (althouhg it is still hard).

    Maybe they should have made two paths: one for walkers and one for cyclists.

  4. I went to Kilcoo.

    Not quite a billionaire.

    Never met any celebrities there.

    My bddy saw 50 cent recently shoooting a commercial. Some kid kept trying to get him to sign a tennis ball. 50 eventually turned around a nd yelled "No!" at the kid. My friend laughed and 50 laughed with him.

  5. You know, as author of the poster I feel it a shame to sit out on the constructive criticism of my grammar.

    Installment...thought about it...too many t's. fu©k it. Or maybe not. Dictionary.com has both spellings. better check Merriam-Webster

    Some commas extra and a few missing....it is a poster... shoulod have left out all punctuation.

    Musiciains - typo....not good

    Couple of fragments, and a few missing periods,

    By My count

    2 spelling errors - I'll count installment because of the possible existence of two spellings of the word without representation for both.

    infinite gromatacall errors. oh sh!t...did it again.

  6. Has anyone else been following the case of the university professor in Colorado who's being censured for a piece he wrote in the aftermath of 9/11? The way the media is covering the story and purposefully misrepresenting his words and throwing in their judgement is fu©king scary! I don't neccessarily agree with his comments but they are so tame in comparison with the right-wing rhetoric that flys down south it blows my mind that none of the so-called liberally biased media are raising a finger to defend him. No one has the guts. Fear controls too many decisions.

    Ward Churchhill is his name I think. I saw Bill O'Reilly going off on him a few times (I watch for the irony). He said something akin to "the US needs more 9/11 attaks to wake up to the truth ..." which has been shortened to "The US needs more 9/11 attacks." It is pretty sad, but not as sad as this great quote from Fox News last week.

    "I meanm it's not like we would say 'Deomcrats are for rape rooms and torture chambers.'"

    "'Democrats are for rape rooms and torture chambers'....not something we would say."

    Awesome! They said it three times at least, with pictures of Kerry and Dem supporters in the bakground intermixed with pics from Saddam's underground bunker.

  7. Just a last minute reminder for Toronto area freaks that The Moment is on tonight at the El Mocambo.

    Once again, it is an improvised jam session where wanking is punished with public flogging, so the music should be great, or you get to witness some live S&M. We have lots of great musicians and experienced jammers....but we can always use more and dancers and listeners as well.

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