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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. HAHA!! I was always told that if I made a face it would stay like that - so be careful Carrie!

    And if you have to uncross your legs for any reason - you know, like walking, biking or karate kicking someone - then I understand.

  2. Will there be tickets at the gate? I hate to jump on the Bitch Train but… oh who am I kidding, I’m usually the one driving it, haha. Seriously though, I know I shouldn’t be surprised that CTMF is so last minute, but this is really cutting it close. I'd hate to make plans to go and then find out we can't get tickets at the gate and end up doing nothing. We're starting to think we should make other plans here.

  3. Eeeew, black flies take CHUNKS!! I don't think it's from a black fly.

    But I have noticed those little bites on a few people lately! Gator had them all over his ankles after a weekend at Izzy's. I was calling it wook foot rash - but it might be sand fleas???

  4. ahhahhahahahahah, don't you dare steal that.

    oh I won't - I couldn't possibly play an instrument good enough to be in a band called, "My Arms Are Lasers" ... I could only WISH!

    But Schwampy's new avatar made me think I might be able to be in a cover band called "I PISS LASERS!"


    ...only my pee laser would be more of a pinkish colour.

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