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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. Sandra Boynton has a bunch of really funny board books. See if you can find "But not the hippopotamus".

    We have a bunch of her books - they're great!

    And you're right Alexis! I got the "little miss" part of my nick name from the books... but the pink part will remain a mystery...

  2. I remember going to see Robert Munsch live at the Centre in the Square when I was little and he told the story "The Fart" before it was even published... I thought I was pretty cool.

    Anything by Shel Silverstein is great too. I use to love the poems in "Where the Sidewalk Ends"... I think I borrowed that book from the library more than any other.

    Oooooh... The Hungry Caterpillar!! I forgot about that book!

  3. I've been addicted to buying children's books these days. I just love the ideas in them and morals behind them... Just wondering what your favourite books were as a kid...

    Here are a few of mine:

    The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch

    The Jolly Postman by Janet Ahlberg

    The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

    and a few I just bought and completely fell in love with:

    The Stinky Cheese Man by Jon Scieszka

    Everything I Know About Monsters : A Collection of Made-up Facts, Educated Guesses, and Silly Pictures about Creatures of Creepiness - by Tom Lichtenheld

    The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! - by Mo Willems (Thanks FairySari for introducing me to this author... he's great!)

    What Are You So Grumpy About? by Tom Lichtenheld

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