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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. Thank goodness for jambands, because without it, I would have never met one of my greatest friends in the world - SCHWA!!!! (or as my mom calls you... shwab)

    Hope you're having a terrific birthday, silly one! Here's to many more laughs (there have already been millions), speed convos and lunches with sponge bob and family feud! You're the best Jeff!!!! See you tonight!!!


    Love Mir


  2. Miranda - can't wait to see you adn that boyfriend of yours......can you please make sure you feed him his loud pills, he's been way too quiet lately!! Oh ya, it was really great seeing you two at Kimock cause I thought we were going to see you two at Andy and Tara's and I could have even swore that I did......but than I looked again and realized you weren't there - SQUARES ;):P

    I'm all out of the loud pills... but I got a handful of 'kick-babsy-in-the-ass' pills I can give him. ;)

    Unfortunately my alter-ego "the vomitron" took over and we had to leave Andy's early (i think around 4:00am?) Booooooooo!

    *So* glad you and mud will be there next week! You two always manage to make me smile in any situation!

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