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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. Thanks for the heads up Esau - hopefully i haven't created any problems. It's been a frustrating one to get rid of. I couldn't bare the thought of giving some thieving creep money, although it was a pretty genius hack job - just very very low in my opinion. It kinda spooks me out a little too....

    edit to add:

    your edit made me giggle

  2. so my computer is being a real dick today. I've had to re-boot 3 times already this morning... boooooooo!

    i'm gonna kick it.

    Alright, bad idea. (mental note, wear shoes when kicking things)

    So I think the recent hack job to my computer is the reason for it's poopie performance. A program called message broadcasters was installed somehow - and it's a nasty one. Takes a lot to get rid of. What it does is replaces banners on websites with a paid advertisement from some affiliate site - this sends cookies off to the company which in turns pays the hacker money for people viewing their advertisements (or something like that). I probably wouldn't have even noticed if it weren't for jambands. The one morning when i opened it up the regular banners of CTMF, A Heads Tale and Moe.down were replaced with banners for printers, pop-up exterminators and sex enhancers - I thought, cheeky bouche... but it wasn't him! It was this stupid program installed by some jerk-off hacker.

    Another thing it does is creates links from words on sites, highlights them, underlines them with green and when you click on them it takes you to (what i'm guessing is) an affiliate site. i'm sure there was a ton of other spyware installed along with it.

    If anyone else is noticing this happening... i found THIS PROGRAM works best to get rid of it. My regular SpySweeper software didn't even catch it.

    (sorry computer, for calling you a dick... and for kicking you. I know it's not your fault)

  3. OMG - it's freakin' FRIDAY!!! it's Friday everyone, it's FRIDAY!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOOOBEEDOOBIE DOOOOO!

    ok... so i've just gotta make it through 7 more hours of work. And ya know, i never realized until now how great it is to have hydraulics in my office chair... makes it a whole lot easier to jump up and down on it. Boing.... boing boing. (boom tschuk)

    Let's Pardeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

  4. Just so everyone knows I'm pretty damn certain that Instagator absconded (that means tiefed) with my fan after the nero afterparty- I might be wrong but he kept asking to see it all night and then he was gone and so was it.

    hee hee hee hee hee hee hee

  5. Greg - if I had to go to jail for even a DAY i would be freaked out. No one wants to go there - and you shouldn't feel bad about sharing any of your thoughts with us. A lot of us have been very concerned - and it's always nice to be kept in the loop when friends are concerned. Keep sharing your feelings, it shows your honesty.

    I'm very glad everything is working out for you. The last time I saw you, you were smiling more then frowning - a positive outlook like that is always the best way to keep it. Chin up - the sky is prettier than the sidewalk.

    Cheers - and good luck... we're all rootin' for ya!

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