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Posts posted by Thorgnor

  1. TEMPORARY HELP NEEDED!: I need a job in London or Kitchener until september, or in Toronto that can become part-time in september. I just lost my job landscaping (laid off) and I need some help brainstorming. Any good ideas will be met with heady appreciation. :)

  2. I was thinking about the rest thing at CTMF and the fact that no one gets any. It kind of occurred to me that I think the reason for it is because we so rarely get together in such big groups of close friends that it's hard to miss any of the fun. And sometimes I feel like I'm letting people down when I do have to give in too LMP. But strangely, I think most of this torture comes from the appreciation we all seem to have for each other's company.

    Cheesiest fuckin'thing I ever said...

    I'm gonna go throw up.

  3. I just got fired (Woo-Hoo!)

    But I need a job cause money is mad tight! I'm tryin'to get to Toronto in the fall and I don't have much saved.

    Can anybody help a brother out with any ideas?

    I've worked in post-production studios as a dubber and I've been doing landscaping for the past three summers. Not just mowing lawns and crap either, planting big trees and boulders, stonework, you name it. I also am a decent cook (I bake a mean donut) but I am a bit of a wook.

    Kitchener is best, London is good too, even Toronto is ok.

    I've gotta find something quick so any suggestions are helpful.


  4. Fair enough on the point about conventional historical method and interpretation. But these days anthropologists are responsible for papers legitimising oral history and folklore, non-locality of mind, and if you've heard of the writer and archaeo-anthropolgist Graham Hancock they're also responsible for re-analysing the scientific findings of various disciplines. Hancock has put out work demonstrating the resting place of the "Ark of the Covenant" and a great civilization that may have begun almost 50 thousand years ago, but that is in his estimation no younger than his and geologists datings of the Sphinx, the great Pyramids and other cites such as Machu Pichu, some 12,500 years old. I'm no traditionalist. Just curious as to your reasoning.

    P.S. I get into debates with Megs all the time cause I fully believe in magic and all that jazz and usually can't provide enough evidence to even phase her :o ::

  5. Boogieknight - I would love for you to not see me asking for a clarification of the above statement as me being argumentitive, but everyone around here seems so sensitive lately that I doubt you won't see it as an attack. I am studying anthropology at York university and I'm in third year. I'm 25 and I started school as a mature student so I've worked and done my share of recreation. I've also always been interested in matters of spirituality and I'm fairly well read so I'm pretty sure you won't be to obscure for me. Just please let me know what you think is so wrong with this particular work. Is it against your biblical interpretation of creation dates? Or against the feminine aspect? I'm intrigued.

  6. Chelsea = A mediocre English Premier League football team.

    I once had long hair.... In highschool I believe. I cut it off because I felt sort of vain keeping care of it all the time. I think it made me self conscious.

    When I had no hair for about three or four years I felt somewhat liberated by how little work it took to look "normal". Then I realised that a shaved head on a young white man can be imposing...

    Now I've got my blond fury back and forever on my crown it will rest... Nazarene I will remain...

    until a drug test...

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