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Posts posted by backbacon

  1. "You know what I mean?" at the end of every sentence irritates me.

    No, I have nooooo idea what you mean... you are speaking so cryptically. Really, any worthless words people use to sound smart get me in a face punchy mood, "in a sense."

    Oh, and when did people start leaving off the "me" from the end of sentences?

    Ex: "I'm going to the store at lunch, would you like to come with?" Is this proper? I seem to remember people saying "Would you like to come with me?" or maybe even, "Would you like to join me?"

  2. Vanilla ice cream with fruit & nut granola bar bits is great!

    NOTE: If you don't like super hard bits in your ice cream, though, sprinkle on the bits as you go because those granola bits will get super hard after hanging around the ice cream for a while.

  3. Thanks Joni! You rock! Sorry to hear about your father being diagnoses with prostate cancer. That is really too bad. Maybe I could go ahead and rig in your favour that bag of whiskers draw. Shh though. ;)

    Yeah, I don't think I've ever heard about this Movember thing before and then my buddy from Chatham who lives in Calgary asked me to join his team, The Cookie Duster Collective. I'd never before gone more than three days without shaving so it was quite the courageous endeavour, I must say!

    We need to see a Mo' Mark photo! That's great that your high school faculty has joined forces as well! It's really sweeping the nation! There's even a couple ladies on The Cookie Duster Collective!

  4. n763725197_6045.jpg

    My name's Keri and I'm a proud member of the Cookie Duster Collective! I'm into fast cars and fast women! My principle interests are kickin' ass and takin' names! Donate to help fight some cancer and you get put on my SAFE LIST!

    Donate: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/53057

    Thanks very much.


    All contributors will have their name put into a draw for their chance to win a baggie containing my shorn whiskers come the end of this campaign. (This is especially enticing for those with young children as the clippings would be ideal for use in a texture-themed arts & crafts project!)

    Thanks to those who have already supported me in this cause! My campaign has really come alive in the past week or so! I'm posting here as a last final push as the fundraising drive comes to an end in a week or so.

  5. The show was at the Aeolian Hall in London. Great venue.. ~300 person capacity.

    Yuri George (who did the 40th anniversary rooftop cocert shows) and his band performed and George-y setlist. I can post the setlist later when I get home.

    The highlight for me was their version of 'Something'. They only had a couple days to rehearse and it showed in a few places. An Indian-style duo opened with a short three song set. I wasn't allowed to record.

  6. OIART eh? Give Bob, Lee, Chris, Christopher and Mark a big Hello from me...I taught the ProTools course there a few years ago...glad to hear the Sisters content is still alive and being used...

    I'm in T-Dot now engineering at Optix ...haven't taught since OIART but miss it...not the drive though...that was killer...

    Spend every moment you have at the school 'cause it's a sweet place to be...

    Cheers, eh! :)

    Cool, I'll tell them all you say hi! I mentioned your name laset week to Lee and he knew right you away. I worked the George Harrison tribute show last night with Christoph. Great guy! The protools teacher now is Dan Brodbeck. He also teaches the production class too. He's moset recently worked with Dolores from the Cranberries on her new album.

    It is a sweet place to be... I just wish we were allowed studio time outside of our lab times. Such a tease!


  7. I'm in school for audio and last night's lab involved spending some time at the console and using any of the various outboard gear... compressors, reverb, gates, eq's, what have you. Definitely the least structured, untaught labs so far.

    What a treat to find in the selection of songs to mess around with a folder titled Sixters Euclid... I knew what they meant. With my excited insisting we promptly loaded up a 20 or so track mix of the Sisters Euclid song 'Domenic' and were in patch cabling and knob twisting heaven for the next hour and a half!

    My lab partner hadn't heard of The Sisters Euclid before and we both were totally content basking in that fuzzy sea of sonic awesomeness that is Kevin Breit's guitaring!

    I'm hoping to gain permission to bring some of that material home to mix down, savour and share!

    Just had to share that with you... good times!

  8. I know I'm a shitbag but 4 brahs from an online head nation, numbering in the 100's!, and that's a glowing endorsement.

    You have to take into account the 100's of brahs that simply skip over your posts.

  9. In school we are working on a little scene that takes place in a Chicago '65 jazz bar... some lighter jazz piano taking place. Need to add some music over the scene.

    I don't have access to my jazz collection.. can anyone send me an appropriate piece to add to the scene? Doesn't nec have to be from 1965, of course.


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