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Lack of sound in Newfoundland


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Boy do I hear you on that.....I've moved from the rock but I still maintain a lot of contact with any music scene around.

You won't find much 'Jam' music around the place but there are some great musicians around and if you can play something my idea would be to start something yourselves.

Funky Dory are ok but not very original...actually not much in the Newfie scene is. Best bet is Dennis Parker...i think... really good blues, also Scott Goedie(sp?) If Trim Navel Beef are playing check them out. They kick ass....Funny as hell too if your a local. They sing about growing up in Mt. Pearl and a song called Hibernia Moms rules. Actually Pat Boyle who plays guitar and sings for them is an Awesome trumpet player and occationlly bring in some cool Jazz. Also the summer will bring the Who Knew jazz festival which was only started two years ago.

The best band from Newfoundland was Fur Packed Action and those former members have new bands but i don't know there names, so look out for Jody Richardson and Jeff Younghusband.

If I here any other stuff about good music on the rock I'll post it.

oh just did a quick seach and The Novaks...never heard them myself but a lot of friends really dig them.

If you don't have a copy of The Dull Thud of Fur burn one cause you can't buy them anymore. ---Best CD ever made in NF---

good luck


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This might be an obvious choice, but I've always LOVED the Irish Descendants. (I expect that they are doing a St. Pat's day gig in Newfoundland, too, as they usually do.)

Those guys are unbelievable live; especially when you see them pounding ales all night (more than I drink in a year) and then walk up on to the stage to play a flawless set, often incorporating veritable tongue-twister lyrics.


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Its all about Duane Andrews! Amazing gypsy jazz Django guitarist from the rock. I saw Neil Conway when I was there and he's pretty good too. Also another band of his, Skank, was pretty entertaining. They've got a song called Newfie Rastaman, hehhee.

Also, BA Johnston is coming to St. John's around April 22nd I think.

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I lived on the rock for a year in St. John's and was that music scene ever hurtin. Mind you I left NB at a time when it was rocking with GTB/JSB/BNB and more shows every weekend it seemed back in 2001/2002.

I loved it there, but was happy to get back to the mainland...only so much irish and celtic music one can take.

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