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the Red Star Project


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Okay, people. just in case anyone's interested in understanding what we're about here goes.

I met bobby awhile back thgrough boogieknight's introduction. I immediately found his passion and creativity a bit overwhelming. After all, Bobby Jones is one crazy muthafucka. I mean that in the best light imagineable.

We played and jammed and just had a good time being expressive and open. We saw shows together and spent countless hours just chillin. After awhile we both came to the conclusion that whenever people are around us when we're making music they end up dancing or groovin or enjoying our tunes as a sort of background noise...not to say that's all it should be but it's pretty versatile and really interesting. I wish i could be there listening to it...if only i were a taper.

We flow; we go; we know...

...and I hope anyone interested in that might like us.

We tend to get people to party. I must say that whenever people are in the mindset to enjoy themselves around us we always appreciate and feed off that. that's our goal - to get people to enjoy themselves through making music and being approachable. I'll be anyone's friend until they're a dick to me and that really doesn't happen with show goers...

I can't really peg down a genre...we're beatsy, trippy, groovy, instrumental - relatively humble in demeanor...well me anyway...but definitely energetic.

We like to play and tend to go on for awhile. we can go all night if properly coaxed.

So come on!

coax us to groove all night and make the party right.


oh yeah...we're playing the 16th at polo's in hamilton

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thanks paisley. i honestly don't have any clue how it is when i'm up there...at least from a listener's perspective - because i'm not a listener at the time. it always seems like a totally different set on stage than it is from a seat.

i guess it's all about the specialized headspace...

are you comin out on the 16th??

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