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New Tron game in development?

Monolith Productions is currently working on a new Tron game, which will be released with the film's sequel.

The Walt Disney Company has optioned the video game rights for the Tron franchise to Monolith Productions, according to a recent article in the Hollywood Reporter. The developer of the upcoming Aliens vs. Predator 2 and No One Lives Forever is currently developing a first-person action game, which should be the first teen-rated game to be published by Disney Interactive. The game is expected to be released on the Microsoft Xbox and the PC platforms. A spokesperson for Disney Interactive declined comment regarding the new Tron game, stating that its release is still too far off. The Hollywood Reporter story states that the game won't be ready until 2003 and could be released alongside the theatrical release of the planned film sequel of Tron.

"Tron is ripe for multiple video game franchises, since the movies are set within the video game arena," Steven Lisberger, director and cowriter of the 1982 Tron film, told the publication. "You can see the vanishing point ahead with the advent of digital films and the development of digital video games with amazing graphics. Tron is the perfect synergy of these two worlds."

The script for the Tron feature film sequel, tentatively titled Tron 2.0, is in its third draft. The movie will blend live action with computer-generated (CG) imagery. The film will also feature several entirely CG characters. GameSpot will have more on the upcoming Tron game as further information is available.

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