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SO I get home all wasted last night and go to the Sanctuary..........blah blah blah and before I know it.....I have Browsers popping up from time to time as I cut through the Sanctuary...it is still happening but it doenst happen when I surf other sites........

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There is absolutely no popup code on this site anywhere. There may be a problem, however. Check the back of your computer, and make sure that the "javascript config switch" is set to manual. It probably is, unless Hood is playing tricks on you, but I doubt he knows where it is. Then, go into your PMOS and have a look for "dump memory stack on demand". Make sure that is not enabled. If it is, that would certainly cause your problem. If all else fails, look at your keyboard, then look at your seat. The problem is right in between.

grin.gif" border="0

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