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Stumbled into a groove


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if the bass player was a skinnyish guy, black- but not too dark, with huge dreads.. his name is nick and he plays in a bunch of groups. one is called Faces of many Races. i was trying to hook you guys up at beau Dixon, but the drinks and taters made me forget everything.. he's around a lot, i'll set you up with him, they have a decent following and would be good additions to our bud-friendly scene.

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My adventure from last night

While downtown putting up some final promo for GTB this friday, I walked past The Rainbow.

As I put a poster up outside I was captured by a very funky groove coming from inside. I went inside for "open Jam" night. I paid my $3 and was treated!! These 2 rasta guys laid down the funkiest groove... they had a guest guitar player who thought he was John Scofield and pulled the act off rather well. I saw about 30 miutes of this sweet jam before they took a break.

I went outside for a little 420, that is when I realised how used I am to having all you around, it has been a long time since I had to smoke alone.

The next set started and I was disappointed to see some grey hair white guy take over the keys and ruin what what was a cool vibe with his stale old blues chords...

Oh well 30 minutes of bliss for $3 wasn't too bad

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