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Quaking and Shaking


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So I woke up in the middle of friday night to my bed doing the funky chicken all over the bedroom..... Now, I know I wasn't the cause of this bed dancing so I was kinda freaked out....

Anyone else experience any earthquake madness this weekend?

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It woke me out of a pretty good (G-rated) dream, and just as I had got into a Saturday morning got-back-to-sleep-after-my-usual-wake-up-time sleep-in.

I also discovered one of the advantages of a messy/cluttered house: after a quake, it doesn't look any worse...(I keep my black box [paper recycling] on its side, so that the papers are vertical when I put it out [so they don't blow away]. It took me a few seconds to realize the quake had emptied about half of it...)


Brad, For Whom The Earth *Did* Move, But Was Alone

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Yeah... freaky. It was about 7am on Saturday, and I look over at my lovely Laurie to find out why she's shaking around so much and causing such a stir, meanwhile she's looking over at me to try to figure out the same thing. "I think it's a little earthquake!" It passed quickly enough, but it felt like we were in one of those vibrating beds you only ever see on TV (has anyone ever been to a hotel/motel where they have those things?).

Then back to la-la land.......zzzzz.......

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It woke me, too. Mind you, I was awakened by the last decent-sized earthquake we had, and it wasn't as strong. (01 January 2001? or was it in 2000?) Being on the fourth floor might have made the thing seem stronger.

I'm less worries about my junk than I am about the structural integrity of the building.

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