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Tour stories


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Booche mentioned Pine Knob 91' in another thread and it reminded me of a good tour story.

At that show, I managed to lose my car keys at some tofu-booth in the lot. I remember it was beautiful weather and the shakedown was unreal... To top-off the problem, our tix were locked in the car and I had dropped a tab about 10 minutes earlier, but the show was another 3 hours away. So I spent the whole time searching for the tofu-booth which apparantly had moved to a more choice location. (at one point, I was trying to get a tow-truck guy to break in for me) Anyways, 2 hours and 59 minutes later, I found the same booth and, by some MIRACLE, he had my keys. I have never felt more victorious (partially due to my changing chemical makeup) and I ended up having the best show of my GD career.

Anyone else at that show? Any good stories?

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Hey cool link CH, thanks! - check this story out (from Pholktales) - Apparantly, it's true HA!

"A few years back (I think in New Jersey), not unlike Bill's experience, some kid (we'll call this one Jimmy) had eaten waaay too much acid. Only, Jimmy didn't jump in a lake, he decided to call his mother from a pay phone in the parking lot. While on the phone, he relayed the basic information that he was: 1. Really fucked up, and 2. That he was calling from a pay phone in the parking lot of a Phish show.

After being disconnected, his mother called back to the venue, completely outraged and worried, only to be forwarded to about five different phones until she somehow ended up on Phish's emergency cell phone. According to the account I heard, this phone had not rung in quite some time.

Trey happened to be, among other things, amused and near the phone. He picked it up and, after calming Jimmy's mother down enough to get the necessary info, was on a security golfcart and out on a manhunt.

He navigated the parking lot until finding the right set of pay phones, where Jimmy was still sprawled out, being tended to by friends at this point. Without missing a beat, Trey lept from the golfcart and bolted towards the fallen fan, announcing, "Jimmy, your mother's on the phone, and she's worried sick about you!"

Can you imagine? And for the record, Bill has a lifetime backstage pass anytime Phish is in Atlanta, which will hopefully be sometime very soon."

shocked.gif" border="0

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I got a tour story.

Once I cooked hot knives on a coleman stove right outside the Boston Gardens in '91 on the sidewalk (cops there dont know about hot knives), then proceeded to cook a stir fry, then do 25 hits of acid and had a great show.

Oh ya, also there was a pair of twins selling nitrous out of the convertable top of their beamer and I bough a "Fat Man Rocks" shirt. My all time favourite tour shirt, I still have it , but its un-wearable.

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Once at Buffalo's Rich stadium '92, we saw a head get dropped off by a cop cruiser and we asked him what was up.

He told us, they were partying with some people in the back of a U-haul when one of the guys just up and died. They had to decide between just leaving or calling the cops. I guess they did the right thing.

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Same show as above, some redneck was driving around in a jeep at high speeds, he stopped briefly and a head grabbed his keys and took off into the crowd.

THe redneck proceed to scream and cry for a while yelling "the dead sucks, I hate all you deadheads"

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