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me and BNB.....


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Hello all...hope eveyone is doing well....this is Mike from BNB here. I guess I felt I had to write something about the current state of the Burt Neilson Band. I have been working at an Outdoor Ed Centre and haven't been intouch with the "real World" in a while. It occured to me that people are possibly wondering what the hell is with this band...first they break up...then they play....then they confirm that they are going to play again. Trust me....I am confused just like you are. Well, what is going on? Why are we playing? Those are tough questions to answer for me...but when the opportunity comes that these great musicians call me up and say lets play ...I roll with it. Do you realize how much fun it is when we all lock in together and simply get lost within our music? It is incredible. I am sorry if we have made anyone mad...we were and are not trying to trick you! We are simply a bunch of musicians who acted very quickly upon our emotions...much as we do on stage. We are a very spontaneous group of individuals! Sometimes our plan of attack in this business is representative of that. Unfortunate as it is sometimes, shit happens. Hmmmm. I feel I have been here before, you know explaining the ongongs of this band, whether it be the dismissal of a band member , or the contents of our setlists... The bottom line is...I love this scene and all the people whom support it, BNB may or may not have a future within it, but we will be around, popping up and playing shows....because we love it, that never changed. So have a good summer everyone....I am working hard this year and will miss playing...but I gots to make some dollars! See ya at the COme together...It will be a nice break from work...and sorry for all the confusion...but remember it's music, so lets enjoy it!!!!MIke Filipowitsch

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Hey BOUCHE,how the hell do ya get that wicked BOUNCIN image goin' on??? Im grinnin' ear to ear...I can clone copirs of CDs like a pro,but cant pull out pictures that you guys would like. Like a 4 year old,how do I download a picture into the MESSAGE area hanx,Mike

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